Copied from a 2013 post on here ,
BFM recipe - To make 16oz of base mix:
2 oz Capelin meal
3 oz Sardine & Anchovy meal
3 oz White fishmeal
3 oz Sluis CLO
2 oz Acid Casein
1/2 oz Kelp powder
1/2 oz Robin Red
1 oz Nutrapro
1 oz Nutralac
Description of ingredients:
Capelin meal - oily fishmeal, 70% protein content.
Sardine & Anchovy meal - blend of two oily fishmeals, 60% protein content.
White fishmeal - (Provimi 66), heavy fishmeal, high in amino acid Lysine, 66% protein content.
Sluis CLO - high quality egg biscuit bird food, contains cod liver oil, helps with binding and rolling.
Acid casein - Pure milk protein, 90%+ protein content.
Kelp powder - pure dried seaweed, rich in vitamins and minerals and trace elements that carp require for optimum digestion.
Robin Red - bird food used to feed show birds such as red factor canaries, full of attractors that carp love including Carophyl Red.
Nutrapro - Nutrabaits own branded milk protein mixture, contains lactoglobulin (approx. 50%) and lactalbumin (approx. 20%) and whey protein, 80% overall protein content, also helps with binding and hardening of baits.
Nutralac - slightly sweet, high fat milk supplement powder for rearing lambs (other milk replacerments are available such as Vitamelo, a calf rearing product).
So, there you have it. One of the best all-time carp catching fishmeals laid bare...
Some classic attractor packages for this bait are:
16oz BFM
2g green lipped mussel extract
20 ml Nutramino (or equivalent such as minamino)
20 ml salmon oil
4ml green lipped mussel UTCS flavour
16oz BFM
2g betaine HCl
20 ml Nutramino
15 ml salmon oil
3 ml Caviar UTCS flavour
6 drops of black pepper oil