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Everything posted by Higham1987

  1. Tricky Baits No.1 for me. Blue Drum are Aller Aqua 8m for feeding
  2. Mainly manilla but I did have some Sticky Visuals. Manilla Chops, Crumb, Few Wholes, Hemp, Manilla Stik Mix Dust and Manilla Glug/liquid. Did have some Krill for 1 other lake but never panned out... Also Had some Munch Baits Bio Marine for another lake campaign, but that didn't take off either (Sopd all My Gear since)
  3. About 4/5yrs, and i would start straight back with it. The Sturgeon was on a White Manlla wafter about 1 rod length from bank in margin.
  4. I preferred a Friday night about 6pm until about dinner Saturday....every now and then a 36hr.
  5. The only bait i use/did use, got my carp pb from park lake and biggest fish (sturgeon) in another lake.
  6. Sticky Baits - Manilla nothing else really.
  7. I only have/had a 2 rod setup, so was always 1 in either margin and 1 to open water or a feature...both using the same baits though, Sticky Manilla.
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225959871141?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qi2bAKUrTke&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=tGv3gu7qR9e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Felt like it abit, the amount of sweat pumping 🤣🤣....also done some conditioning training...Jog 20m, Sprint 20m repeat each segment until failure 😩😩😩
  10. Another 5k done this morning, not too bad this running lark 😁😁
  11. It was always there this set, it was/is my lads....something we can use together....but it also needs to catch a fish as he's had it now nearly 18month and nothing caught yet.
  12. Day Session gear (Only)... Got 2x 6ft Rods n reels set, 1 for Alarm 1 for Float fishing, Net (all goes in 2 rod holdall) backpack with bait n terminal in, Chair n Matt....carry all in 1 hand 🤣🤣
  13. Big Carp - Big Baits - Big Boilies
  14. Lads football season finishes next week, but doesn't for me...may get thebodd Sunday for a Day sesh with the 6ft outfit I've (we) have....but that's pushing it so far.
  15. I just did exactly same all year, but in winter, smaller Hooks, Smaller Hookbait and a PVA mesh bag around hook 👍🎣
  16. I've honestly had great faith in anything Sonik...Vader X, RS, Xtractor 👍👍
  17. Time is the main thing now, 100%.....6 days a week i have someting fully taking up the days, only Saturdays were we chill as a family(if we can), 2 mates who i usually went with - 1 has been given some lung n liver bad news, 1 has had 2 heart attacks and told to retire from mwork and rest, main exercise is to walk nothing more, my Uncle seems to be going more n more with his mate now......but....IF...i was to regain all my Gear, it would probably be have to see what the outcome of my work claim will be and possibly spend about 2K on a decent 2nd hand setup.
  18. Seen a couple of lakes already spawning online already...
  19. I've always used ANYTHING Sticky Manilla, and IF.... I came back, I would still have faith in the bait.
  20. Got a few 👍 Catching my 1st ever park lake Carp & PB from my local HARD park lake, Sept 2020 Catching 1 of only 10 stocked Fish in a local lake, Feb 2022 1st ever overnighter with my Son & Pooch, my lad playing/Catching his 1st ever Carp June 2020 A 48hr and only having 1 bite and Catching the biggest fish in the lake, Sturgeon 31lb, July 2021 There have been 1 or 2 evening sessions were I've caught 20+ fish in about 4hrs but nothing massive.
  21. I've been updated with my solicitor. Claim has been put into the Defendant to there Main Head Office, due to me having to wait 6months for any result's, the claim has been put in for 6months wages, they take no more than 25%, there won't be a penny out of my pocket (written into contract)...8 weeks to reply.
  22. Since selling my gear the other month, I've done plenty Biking, Running, Conditioning Training every fortnight with the Football Team I coach (Under 14's). We're looking at a few more in next couple months
  23. Been running past few weeks, so we decided as a family to do the Race for Life (tonight) My lad, being the lad he is, had to sprint off and finished in 31mins, instayed with the wife whonhad a little struggle, 38mins us.
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