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Tree123 last won the day on June 28 2019

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  1. Yeah. I was thinking about this after I posted... bivvy pegs would work too
  2. Aftermarket to carping after serval year chasing roach and perch. I'm making the choice to mirror over my choice ro not weight fish anymore for the following reasons: For me personally it take away from the capture you have because it's not the 2lber/20lber you wanted.. Less gear to take and buy and gram now to matter when staying mobile. Anyone else followed suit and stopped weighing fish? Also can anyone advise if anyone still does a net station like wychwod used to that I use to keep the fish in whilsti get the mat and camera set up. I know I can Jay put a bank stick in the apreaker block but that does seem very secure.
  3. Yeah I'm think going the vitalin and pigeon conditioner route
  4. I'm getting back in the carp game and I have my plans set on a little river I did every well from a few years back prebaiting. Last tike I was putting in about 5kg a week of scopex squid but now I have budget and time limitations as I have a little one and renovation project house. I was going to go with the vitalin or flaked maize with a handful of tigers mixed in.. As flaked and vitalin are easy to prepare cheap to get hold and the tigers I can order in a batch and freeze them down. But which is better vitalin or maize?
  5. I used bag them up in to 100g or 200g bags and then id still bring 90% of them home as you need very few tigers as we all know
  6. That what used to do with tigers. 10kg of cooked tiger should last you a very very long time. I used to soak mine in betalin.
  7. Trying to avoid adding any binders or anything like that as want to keep it simple. Will be fishing bread on the hook anyway so crumb and vitalin will work and cheap too
  8. Weird question What is the heaviest groundbait you can get? As want to start baiting up the river. But its quite deep and balls to break up slowly. Was thinking vitalin or maybe a method mix. I dont really want to be messing round with soils and leams as it all gets a bit complicated
  9. I saw that post while googling i was hoping for a boat trip as then dont have to worry about getting a travel rod and that. I think the license can be done online i think its like €15 or something like that. Doke some more Googlong and think i have found something as part of an excursion package that pick up from hotel. Might be bit more expensive but might be the easiest way of doing it https://www.excursionslanzarote.com/lanzarote-boat-trips/fishing-lanzarote-by-day Seems a legit website. I wont pay full balance till I was there. Have emailed them for for details too.
  10. Yeah ive emailed a few already. Not really too fussed what fish for i known just want a day out
  11. Booked and Going to costa teguise next june. Whays the likely hood of finding some fishing while im there
  12. Tree123

    Dogs and fishing

    Havnt had my bivvy buddy since jan. I miss him everyday. 100%, my best freind
  13. Tbh i much prefer livebait midt enjoyable way. When you see the float start moving quickly then it gone. I dont get people that moan about it.. as not much difference in hooking in mouth vs lip hooking a minnow I just use match rod 10 -15ft depending on venue under a loafer/ bopper or zeppler. If i want to do really light ill be freelining minnows and touch ledger on my light lure rod.
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