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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/02/25 in all areas

  1. hutch

    AA Baits Hydro liquids

    Protien is where your amino acids come from in various guises depending on the liquid etc.. imo liquids contain FAA (Freeform Amino acids) are better as a stimulant, there are other ways to stimluate them though as i believe CSL attraction is based more around that active process of the carbs turning to sugars (might be wrong here memory isnt what it used to be ... lol) which is why the active versions are better than the inactive ones
    1 point
  2. kevtaylor

    zig Floats

    Yes they'll be OK, just check the ring every now and then.
    1 point
  3. yonny

    AA Baits Hydro liquids

    This 👆 Very similar to CSL... smells of a slightly gone over chestnut ale.
    1 point
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