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Fished yesterday mid day to 12 last night. i covered an area where there is the island down to where the duckas get fed. The thinking behind it that there might be some half decent carp a round that area.


I fished the float driting worm and corn down opn the wind and put it in likely areas.


I fished the other rod over towards the island towrsd a big bed of bullrushs.


I used a big amount vof corn and fished wlanuts over the top. Using a biog lot of nuts on the airrig seems to stopped the small fish as i had no runs on these all day. Shame no big fish though.


I had 4 carp last night after 8 when i could see fish swirling on the surface and knocking the sdeges about.


i had 4 carp to 6lbs , which is not brilliant but the fish are getting abit bigger.


I lost 1 decent fish which pulled off when keeping it off the snags.


I am defenitly going to start to use maize and bolies as the corn is taken off thre hook in no time.


On the lakes you fish do you see uch carp activity ie cruising, jumping out head and shouldering etc?


Last question for the day i am having trouble putting photos on the site how do you or ewhat do you press use to down load photos?


I have tried clicking img and all that happens is the img comes in this box?


Any thoughts woyuld be appreaciated.


I am talking about lakes in sale and other areas i fished a round there.


Why do you ask?


I think at the moment until i see some big carp i am sceptical about the size in the lake.


I fished for the last month and have seen one fish over 10lbs jump and nothing else and have caught over 30 fish and lost quite a few and nopne have been that big.


I guess it is the way in ozz alot of small carp and a few big fish in some lakes.


I will percivere as it took alot of time sometimes to catch decent fish back home.


Interested really as I was down in Sale last week having a quick look at the lakes in that area. There are a few in sale that look promising. I had a look at lake wellington and lake victoria but the carp scene there has died because the water environment agency have flooded the lakes by opening the sea dames to top the local water levels up. Also the size of them is too daunting.


The sad bit is I am going back to the UK this week and will have to wait for my chances to get the rods out. But I will be back soon armed and ready. The creeks just north of Sale were the real eye openers back in spring when the carp were spawning. :lol:


from what i have peiced together from an angler i spokee to alot of time there is carp in the thompson and the bcak arms to over 24lbs.


HE also said he caught a carp of 40lbs on one of the lakes, i agree wellington is way to big i fished a few times from a kayake the only good area would be up on clydebank morass when the carp are in there in the spring. Read tony davies patrick global trotters book he fished that area and the mitchell and tambo river abot 12 years a go and had fish 28lbas and saw fish to 40lbs.


BUT things have chnged on the mitchell i have been here3 for the lzst 12 months using a kayake and in have hardley seen any carp against 6 yaesrs there was loads in the river. I don't no if they have mnoved or there has been a natural fish kill ie disease which does tend to happen at times.


IF YOU NEED any more info let me kno0w i am just starting in the araea really ythere ias alot of water a ropund here and not alot of info aqnd alot of small carp and boats at the moment and yes i was fishing lake gutheridge and the canal at sale sale port i think it is called.


Thanks for the heads up. Ill keep you upto date as well. My brother in law is a environmental engineer and does allot of work in the gippsland area. He has told me on many occassions that some very big carp have scarred the life out of him in some of the creeks when he has been studying the catchment areas. He thinks I'm mad as, going after the carp but is starting to understand why. The australian carp scene is just what Im after. It is going to be a new experiance very different to the UK carp scene!!


The area is otherwise an excellent place to start and its were I will concentrate on when I move over. Im back in the UK now but am trying to pull my move over to Aus as quickly as I can. Keep me updated. PS: im not convinced about Lake Gutheridge having many bigguns. I saw to many carp hanging up in the trees on lake gyatt to expect any of the bigguns to still be in there. Who knows time will tell.




I don't know lake gyatt could have a few decent carp in you just don't see them show alot as the water is so murky.


I fished lake gutheridge on tuesday in the windiest conditions i have fished in for ages white horses and all that.


I fished the ytop end near the leisure centre and fished 2 area about s 60 and 80 yards out with peanut and sweetcorn and walnuts.


I had 5 runs all to the peanut/sweetcorn rod the weed was horrendous like a plant type of weed.


I hooked 4 carp but only landed one about 5lbs, i dropped 2 off near the net, not a great day.


I have not had a run walnuts fished over a few kilos of sweetcorn.

I am going to make boilies and give them a go i have bought some maize i just have to make some up now.


I need hard big baits to get through the small carp.


I have hooked over 50 carp in the last 8 sessions and none of them have felt that big.


It is hard not seeing fish jump or haed abd shoulder or crusie a round to assess the size to move onto them, i guess the joys of australian carpin.


hopefully get a day this weeken or early next week.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not done loads of fishing recently a few days i was going to go fell through due to wrok etc.


I fished a morass area near sale the other week there was carp all around and i just float fished worm i could not buy a bite.


The fish just seemed to be feeding on the scum of the water, or to put it better probally soem kind planketon, it reminded me of when fish are totally obessed on daphnia back in the u.k.


I had fish go right under the float i tired a load of spots, but to no avail.

I have not checked out the thompson river yet, from ewhat infomation i have got it could have the potential for for a 20+ in certain areas.


I fished lake gutheride from first light until tea time. I covered the island using maize and fished boilie over a few kilos of maize in an open area 80yds + out in 4 feet of water. Where the silt gets deeper, but there was hard patches around these areas.


I had to wait until 1 to get a run, even though early morning there was alot of carp on the surface, i think this could be the besttime to stalk from the kayake for bigger fish.


I had 5 runs to maize connecting with 4 fish 2 came away tryting to get to the reeds, the fish seem ton have very soft mouths, may be due to their silt feeding habits. As i have lost a lot of fish, even though i am using good hooks.


I landed 1 fish of 6.12lbs not a monster, but the best i have had from this lake so far.The other was 2lbs.


I had 2 drop backs on bolie, but did not connect, i think they were small fish messing a round with the bait, as i had line bites as well.


It is still hard to sort oout the better fish, defenitly moving over to maize and boilies have give me more confidence.

I am trying 24mm to 30mm to keep the small carp at bay.


Other than that nothing else to report.


Keep at it Stoke, it,s only a matter of time before you crack it and nail the BIG ONE!!!

Persistance is the key to any campaign, varing the techniques and baits to get the results.

The good thing is you have established where the fish are.

Where there are small ones there has to be bigger it just a matter of filtering out the smaller ones.

Deffo way to go by putting out a big bait[Donkey Choker]30mm+ on one rod and let it do it,s magic, while your waiting for that to go off, the small ones will keep you occupied.

If your going with the big bait approach I would certainly go up in lead size also 4oz[if you rod will cast it] size 2 hook, on a semi-fixed set up, the reason being that you would want the fish to set the hook good and proper by the time you get to the rod, if you have set it up in another swim close to you[alarm turned up full].

Minimal loose feed would be the go, 5-10 30mm+ boilies around your hook bait, at least then you would know that the smaller ones would,nt bother the main bait, and if there are big ones there, they would easily mop up the small amount of feed you have put out including your hook bait, if you know what I,am waffling on about.

Anyway mate keep us posted and dont forget the photos!!!


Good luck


All the best from the west.




I do know what you are waffling about. I use 2's hooks and 4oz leads.

Location is the key i am fishing a round the lake as i know they all a rond the lake, there must be an area where some of the bigger fish hang out.


How do you attach photos on here as then i could show you some of the lake. I have had problems using the img and url tabs.


I think tyhe river could provide the big fish it is just finding them like all areas.[/u][/url]


How do you attach photos on here as then i could show you some of the lake. I have had problems using the img and url tabs.


Go to Photo bucket web site and open up an account, this will be your personel site where you can up load photographs and store them.

You may have to login each time you visit to access your photos.

Once logged in go to my home and upload photos from your computer, once loaded they should be shown on the My home recent uploads.

Copy and paste from the IMG code from the share this image section of any perticular photo to the post a reply on the post a reply on this web site.

Click on preview to see the image all being well it should of uploaded, you can comment in between the photos leaving a space between each of the photo codes.

It,s a little fiddley but have a play with it and you should be allright.

Good luck.




went fishing last night after work on a canal arm of the main river in sale.


Im covered about 3 kms of river walking and looking for carp.


I saqw carp taking flies by a bridge area but there was way to much weedand shopping trolleys and other rubbish.


I had a fish come right under my feet and start feeding.


I found quite a large group xcarp moving through upstream i put worm out on the float i9 had a take straight away i lost this fish trying to hold it off a margin overhanging tree the hook pulled.


After ythat the fish went really cagey and they would just pull one worm off and go and then they moved on.


The frustration of carp or aware carp.

  • 3 weeks later...

Went carp fishing on friday night after work until early morning. IT IS the first time i have fished this lake in 3 weeks due to work.


I fished to some sedges which grow out from the island and out to the other end of the island.


I fished boilie over a few boilies and maize i did not have a touch on this rod the other rod over about 4 kilos of maize i9 had 3 runs.


Mainly fish picking up the maize and dropping back, i think the fish were really small and could not pick up the lead up.


I missed a few runs and hit one fish a carp of 1lbs so not agreat night really.


Going to go on saturady so hopefully i will do better then.


Not tried photos out due to problems with my computer, defenitly try soon.


For now dreaming of a 15lbs + carp.

  • 2 weeks later...

Been fishing twice over th4e last few weeks on the lake i have mentioned before.


I fished after work until 12 fishing an island and sedge area i had 1 run only on boilie 2 hours in.

The carp felt a good fish and put a good bend in the rod i could not move it off the island.

Eventually after much of a fight the fish came away from the island and snagged me halfway out in a unseen snag.

I wnet out in the kayake and found the line attached to a branch as well as a thick green leafed weed which has really sprung up these last few weeks with the summer weather.


I managed to get over the fish and get it out, but with the branch it made it hard to play the fish i stopped it twice reaching the island on the final time of running out. I got it back near the net i would say it was a round doubles it was hard to tell from the glimpse i saw of the gold in the water.


I could not get it near the net and then it run and the ord sprng back, the joys of carp fishing 2 and halfs month to kook one decent fish and it came a way.


I was hoping for more runs, but i had nothing else for 10 hours.


I went back last saturday and fished in the rain, i covered and area the last time i fished i had over 20 runs.


I had to wait near dark thre was 15 fish over my baits but they were taking flies, there was some fish moving a round the sedges though and head and shouldering.


I had, had 1 run on maize, but missed it, so i chnged to the float and worm. I had 3 or 4 bites, but just could not hit the fish and i spooked alot of fish.

So i went back to normal sweetcorn on the hook and a light free running leger i had 5 fish in a row on dark up to 6lbs, very long and lean.


I had to go early, but still it was good to catch even though all the fish i saw on the top and caught were still small.


I have not seen a fish of double figures yet swimming a round, i hope there is some beytter fish in.


I have been going a morass area to see if i can find any better fish to fish for the other night they had let the sluice gates open there was 100 carp or more stacked up like sardines underneath where the water was coming out and more than 200 in the bay.


None were bigger than 7lbs, there is the odd fish over 10lbs i see occassionlly 3 or 4 bigger fish 12 to 15lbs o0r bigger the probl;em is they move a round alot are silt feeders and are always in the most inacessible areas where the snakes would be.


Other than that not done much else on the fishing front. I am going to have a go at a river for big eels and carp.


Do most rivers need a lot of prebaiting to get the carp going on the bottom on baits like maize etc? have people found.

  • 3 weeks later...

I had a better days carping today. Just had a quick trip 5 to 6 hours as no more time spare.


I fished to the island and to some sedges closer in i had 20 runs or so.


Hooked 18 fish and landed 12 to 7lbs or so, which my best number of carp from this water.


It was cooler today and more overcast with a good wind blowing.


There was quite a few carp a round. I lost a double figured fish on bolie off the island. My first run on bolie for a while i got the fish 2/3 of the way in then the hook pulled.

Which was a gutter as runs of the better fish are few and far between at the moment.


Have to try and get more time to fish more to track down one of these big carp. hOPEFULLY MY LUCK WILL change and the hook will stay in.


Most carp on sweetcorn over maize on a simple rig.

I had a better days carping today. Just had a quick trip 5 to 6 hours as no more time spare.


I fished to the island and to some sedges closer in i had 20 runs or so.


Hooked 18 fish and landed 12 to 7lbs or so, which my best number of carp from this water.


It was cooler today and more overcast with a good wind blowing.


There was quite a few carp a round. I lost a double figured fish on bolie off the island. My first run on bolie for a while i got the fish 2/3 of the way in then the hook pulled.

Which was a gutter as runs of the better fish are few and far between at the moment.


Have to try and get more time to fish more to track down one of these big carp. hOPEFULLY MY LUCK WILL change and the hook will stay in.


Most carp on sweetcorn over maize on a simple rig.


Well done mate good session, persistance is a payer.

You seem to of got their confidence happening.

If there,s a 7lber in there there,s gotta be a low double you would think.

It seems to be a battle getting through the smaller ones.

May worth trying a single largish boilie with a PVA stringer of 4-5 singles attached on one of your rods with no loose feed approach.

Good luck.





  • 2 weeks later...

Thank heavens, thought i was the only one mad enouth to be capr fishinbg this lake!!! I've fished all the surrounding ares as mentioned before in this post but had very simular results. The lake in Sale does look very appealing though i've had the same issue with heaps of little ones with only a carp of 7lb at biggest. I might take the bait baot out and drop some biat/hookbait out literally inside the reedbed of the island. The fish in this lake seem to live well into the reed line. i'll post up the results as i'm hoping to put a good couple of sessions in this weekend!!!

Thank heavens, thought i was the only one mad enouth to be capr fishinbg this lake!!! I've fished all the surrounding ares as mentioned before in this post but had very simular results. The lake in Sale does look very appealing though i've had the same issue with heaps of little ones with only a carp of 7lb at biggest. I might take the bait baot out and drop some biat/hookbait out literally inside the reedbed of the island. The fish in this lake seem to live well into the reed line. i'll post up the results as i'm hoping to put a good couple of sessions in this weekend!!!


Good one T keep us posted as we are having a bit of a draught over here in the the sand pit of Western Australia our only haven for carp[kio that is ] as there are no commons or mirror over here was polluted a week or so ago by sewerage leaching into the Canning River after the heavy rains.




Some photos would be nice if any.

I fished the Sale lake some 10 years ago myself when I lived in Melbourne and found the same result, there seems to be so many small ones in there I would suspect there is a big competition for food. Cheers.


All the best from the west




I'll sort some photos, i have not got a round to sorting out photos online yet.

Only fish of 7lbs though and some of the lake.


The top end looks good, but it is a good cast out and very weedy. I don't know much about the other lake as i have not fished it yet.


There comes a guy round at night and he says someone has caught a forty from there, i am a bit sceptical about that.


I think 20lbs would be a big fish.


I have caught about 80 fish and lost quite a few and only 2 fish felt big boilie.


I'll keep you posted going tomorrow for a day session, but very windy over here at the moment.


I remember i fished the Nicholson once for carp about 10 yrs back. Had it pre baited the night before, used sandworm as bait, mmm maybe that'll bring some more in... Anyway between myself and 1 other we had nearly 400lb of carp to 17lb's in about 6-7 hrs. Was fantastic, though didn't impress the locals when we put them back after our weigh-in, haha they'll get over it! But never been able to do it since. Had a few from there but not many. I remember is was raining a lot the days before that would have pushed the freshwater downstream. All the carp were commons and not this beluga strain thats filling the water ways (some are such poor fighters and weight [censored] all). Hoping to catch over 100lb each day if the weather is nice. Going to course fish on sat (waggler and feeder) and prob carp fish on sunday using the pod. Interested to see if there is any difference.


A tough day in some respects, the fish were really finicky, due to fishing for them a bit and the cool down of the weather since the weekend maybe.


Twitchy lifts on the swingers, resorted to touch legering. I had 17 carp to 6lbs and lost 5, with a few other runs missed.


I fished to the island with 2 rods, very twitchy, drop backs on one rod.


I had 3 fish on that.


Nothing on boilie yet again.


I have not fished the nicolson, i have been up it in the kayake, they sound like amazing fish and a really good catch.


I wish the mitchell could throw up catches like that as it is at the end of my road.


Hopefully get a day the weekend after next. Going to go the river as there are defenitly doubles in there as i have seen them.


I have not used my pod over here yet or my 13ft 31/2 test curves imx's. No need at the moment.

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