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Pre-baiting for river carp

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Hi lads, I was wondering if any of the more experienced carp anglers had any tips for pre baiting on a stetch of river, I caught my first ever river carp a 10lb common on Thursday morning (Posted in June catch reports), I’m planning on starting to pre bait this stetch starting tomorrow but I’m unsure of how much bait would be an adequate amount. On one hand I’m thinking of putting a good 10 kilos in as I’m thinking of other species that may clean the majority of this up before the carp get a look on (bream, barbel, chub etc. But on the other hand I’m thinking there may be a lot less fish visiting the spots than what I think and I may feed the carp off before even getting a chance to fish for them. I was just wondering if anyone had experience fishing a river and what approach would most likely work better...

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9 minutes ago, salokcinnodrog said:

Firstly could I remind you that the close season on rivers is from 15th March until 16th June, so you should not be fishing rivers until then. 



My bad 😪, some reason I thought It was June 1st, I’ll make sure not to fish it until the 17th. Apologies guys 🙏👍

Edited by Its-grim-up-north
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10 minutes ago, framey said:

Gives you more time to bait up and get them really on it 

you were lucky you didn’t get caught really 

I know mate, I’ve been brought up carp Fishing with my dad since I was about 8 years old so honestly fishing the rivers has never really interested me. Just surprised me the amount of older geezers I seen fishing on there after realising it’s close season. I’d imagine there casual anglers who have decided to dust the rods off because of the quarantine and didn’t realise either. 

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I've spoken to a few, made my point and had to call the EA a couple of times when I got rude replies or threatened. 

I know in Ipswich the police ejected 14 in one day off the River Gipping. 


As for prebaiting on rivers, I don't think it is as essential as on lakes as carp do have to eat more than their lake counterparts, so almost everything is tried. 

However, even on rivers baits can blow over time. I have watched River carp ignore sweetcorn for a few days. 

Prebait features, overhanging trees, bends, weir pools etc. 

Be aware that when you arrive carp may not be in the area, they may patrol up and down a stretch, covering a few miles in a day. 

You may find bait droppers handy to get your bait down to the river bed. No point on putting your hook where you dropped bait in if it has been washed down 20metres.



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Yorkshire’s stolen fortnight

Before some clever Yorkshireman emails in, the old rivers boards that were formed in the early 20th century were allowed to vary the close season provided it comprised a set number of days – 93 to be precise. Therefore, for a period 'Yorkshires stolen fortnight' allowed them to start coarse fishing on 01 June, though to be fair the whole of March was lost to fishing. These were their original proposals put forward in 1878 and somehow they crept back in, I think as part of the 1923 review of the Act.

(Source: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/fishing/angling-histories/angling-history/history-of-the-coarse-fish-close-season)

Many years ago you could fish in Yorkshire on the 1st of June, the so called stolen fortnight. Even though being further North and colder then most Southern area's and common sense would say their season should have finished and started later. I had a mate who is a very experienced river angler and went on the last day of the season which that year was on a Friday night. He commented to someone that he couldn't believe the car park was empty when he got there late afternoon. His mate looked a bit stunned and then told him the season finished on the Wednesday which was the 14th, not the 16th on Friday and the Penney dropped!

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