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2.75 or 3lb TC?

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I'm just looking at rods, had an email about the new sonik vader rods (which look amazing for the price btw) and it got me thinking about when I get new rods next year. I currently have 2.75lb tc and it has seen me good through all types of fishing but it looks like fashion has won the day and 2.75tc is harder to find now, with most ranges starting at 3lb. Just wondering whether it is worth me upping the tc as I am going back to the gravel pits next year. Obviously it'll offer a bit more range if I need it. but in terms of grunt, well I landed a 40lb carp through a couple of weedbeds on my current rod and have had countless 20s from snaggy and weedy swims without much hassle. 


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Hi Vik

In all honesty the t.c doesn't appear to be as important as the action.

As you know I use the Free Spirit X.S which is a 3.25 t.c but they have a very through action which makes them a delight to play fish on and suit quite a wide range of waters.

I have tried some fast action 3 lb rods that felt like I could cast to the moon but would probably be more at home on a snooker table.

Its a difficult thing to find what suits you best but the only thing I do know is don't by anything you haven't felt.



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