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Hello....iam going to buy new hooklinks but i donte now what kind iam going to buy...help me whit someone tips.


this one i think iam going to buy


- Sufix NuFlex


- Sufix Heavy Silk


- Sufix Silky Soft


- Korda Hybrid


give me more example plz



Hi Mate,


Welcome to the forum :D


What sort of presentation do you want?


Do you want stiff rigs or do you want supple or a Combination of the 2?


What sort of hooklink material you buy should be relevant to the situation you need it for.


For most Braid and Coated Braid hooklinks I prefer Kryston Products, they work for me. Merlin, Super-Silk, SnakeBite, Mantis and Mantis Gold.


For Stiff Rigs I like Amnesia. Again, not popular with some, but it works for me.


As for the Korda Hybrid, they did recall a load as there were some unexplained breakages, although I think the problem may have been sorted out.


My view is try some and TEST THEM AT HOME First. Play around until you have the Presentation you want working for you.


Have a look at this. These rigs are the ones I started using about 15+ years ago, they still work even now:




Hi mate. Thx for the welcome :wink:


I want i hook link for my combi riggs...i want it invisible and strong...


And i also want i new FC matial for my D riggs, stiff rigg, and my maggot popup rigg...i have try Kordas IQ but iam not so impress like my mate was. so give me someone example:)


I realy want to try Kryston Matrial like Snake bait. Mantis. Silk Worm..but in sweden is it realy hard to get them. we most buy it i uk :)


i use esp striptease & ghost, with total confidence. started using fox cortex (in black) for over silt, & thats looking good too.

Hi mate. Thx for the welcome :wink:


I want i hook link for my combi riggs...i want it invisible and strong...



I love combi rigs and mine are made with 15lb Korda IQ and 15lb ESP Sinklink, this makes the majority of the hooklink invisible but with the vital last bit nearest the hook supple so it helps turn the hook into the bottom lip (in theory :wink: ).


One final word, i split the hooklink into thirds so if you want a 6 inch hooklink then you need 2 inch of braid nearest the hook then 4 inch of IQ for the rest.


kryston snakebite oooohhhh yeeaaahhh


just for the picture if nothing else :lol:


better off just getting coated braid mate coz u can have stiff links and flexible links together or alone. ooorrrrr u could buy silkworm and use ESP bristle filament for stiff links.

amnesia for fishing over suilt, strip teaze for general use and a trakker fluorocarbon for silt, weed, pop- ups etc.


Must admit I don't like Stiff rigs in silt!


If the Lead takes the swivel into the silt deeply or settles in, even with a Loop Knot, you can have a Stiff Piece of Line sticking straight up in the water from the swivel. Fro that you may need to then lengthen the rig to allow for the curve back down to the Lakebed. It also mean you may have to fish more buoyant hookbaits.


(Think about it)


From Suffix i use only the uncoated 1s like Silky Soft,Hercu-line Blen&Suffix Heavy. The coated 1s are not so good around here becose the coating is very breakable.I mean when i'm trying to ty the Stealth to a swivel with a griner knot 'when I'm pulling to tighten the knot it makes a hinge becose the coating will breake.But I think u don't have problems like that with your hooklinks.

So I bought Kryston Mantis&Mantis Gold and the broblem was gone.

Hope it helps,Mihai.

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