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First piece of advice I can give you is wait till the spring. You may end up reeling back in a soggy bag in the current water temps! :wink:

hi everyone,

thinking of using a solid bag set up, can i just fish straight through or do i need to use some sort of tubing or a leader?




Lick and stick the bag up. It will lick and stick around standard mainline, leader or tubing :wink:


It doesn't work with leadcore though :twisted:

I use korda bags with leadcore, never had a problem.


And therein lie 2 problems in themselves :roll::twisted::lol:


The use of leadcore in carp fishing and then the use of that name of manufacturer :P:twisted::twisted:








I used the "it won't work with leadcore" as there is absolutely no safe reason to use leadcore as a leader in carp fishing


i use the nash diffusion leaders with my solid bags mate,


works for me, check out my vids on youtube to see them in action!!



hope this helps,


bill :D

Guest Anonymous

Nick, no safe uses for leadcore in fishing?


I use around 12-18" of leadcore on my heli rigs with an esp bead jammed onto esp silicone above, this comes off easily, where's the danger in my rigs?


I like to think I know what I'm doing when I put a bait to a fish :wink:

hi everyone,

thinking of using a solid bag set up, can i just fish straight through or do i need to use some sort of tubing or a leader?




Lick and stick the bag up. It will lick and stick around standard mainline, leader or tubing :wink:


It doesn't work with leadcore though :twisted:

why bring lead core into this its not illegal to use it no matter what you say

the chaps just asking about solid bagging :?:

Nick, no safe uses for leadcore in fishing?


I use around 12-18" of leadcore on my heli rigs with an esp bead jammed onto esp silicone above, this comes off easily, where's the danger in my rigs?


I like to think I know what I'm doing when I put a bait to a fish :wink:


Ding Ding seconds away :lol:

I use korda bags with leadcore, never had a problem.


And therein lie 2 problems in themselves :roll::twisted::lol:


The use of leadcore in carp fishing and then the use of that name of manufacturer :P:twisted::twisted:








I used the "it won't work with leadcore" as there is absolutely no safe reason to use leadcore as a leader in carp fishing


Why not? If used in the wrong hands it can be dangerous but so can everything... Tubing.. Leaders etc.....


I use it and know alot of people that use it and have had no problems so i dont really think you can say that...


I know from reading your posts that you personally dont agree with using it and thats fair enough but its clear from what other people have said that they are just jumping on the "bandwagon" and agreeing with you. ?

I use korda bags with leadcore, never had a problem.


And therein lie 2 problems in themselves :roll::twisted::lol:


The use of leadcore in carp fishing and then the use of that name of manufacturer :P:twisted::twisted:








I used the "it won't work with leadcore" as there is absolutely no safe reason to use leadcore as a leader in carp fishing


Why not? If used in the wrong hands it can be dangerous but so can everything... Tubing.. Leaders etc.....


I use it and know alot of people that use it and have had no problems so i dont really think you can say that...


I know from reading your posts that you personally dont agree with using it and thats fair enough but its clear from what other people have said that they are just jumping on the "bandwagon" and agreeing with you. ?


I used to use leadcore, helicopter and pendant set-ups, did a lot of experimentation and No there is NO safe way to use a Leadcore leader in any of them. Even if you think that it is safe, it takes only a small kink to trap a bead or rig, even on a heli set-up, which means that a fish is trailing it around, rig and leader.

As an example, I trapped a 3oz lead in a kink formed by casting and hitting the water, and swung it around my head. The lead could not pull free.

The added weight of a leadcore leader trailing prevents even a barbless hook being ejected. If you are stupid enough to use a pendant or inline leadcore set-up then you are increasing the danger factor, the leader could snap-off ABOVE the leader and then a fish is automatically stuck trailing the lot.


The experiments weren't just playing and trying it on the bank. I was casting the leadcore and rigs into 4foot of water at various ranges from just metres out to 70metres. Leadcore does NOT lay totally flat along the lakebed, it does NOT merge into the bottom. It is more visible than standard mainline.


I also had to retrieve fish snagged up on a heli leadcore set-up in freezing cold water up to my chest that had managed to swim around a branch.


why bring lead core into this its not illegal to use it no matter what you say

the chaps just asking about solid bagging


Sam asked about Solid Bagging and also whether he needed to use tubing or leader. I added the not with leadcore as a "wicked" comment (hence the icon) and then gave links to Leadcore and Leader threads when someone queried the use of leadcore with PVA bags, hoping that if someone decided to query the leadcore comment that they would add onto one of those threads :wink:


As for solid bags, they can be used with Helicopter, Inline or Pendant set-ups.


Best way I have found with inline and pendant leads is hookbait in corner inside the bag, add a bit of rig, put in a bit of filling, rest of rig, more filling, then add lead to top inside the bag. It tidies it up nicely with a lick and stick, although you do want the lead centrally.


With Helicopter set-ups, filling in bottom of bag, add lead, a little bit more filling, then hook onto side of bag and then lick and stick

i use the nash diffusion leaders with my solid bags mate,


works for me, check out my vids on youtube to see them in action!!



hope this helps,


bill :D



cheers bill ill have a look

Guest Anonymous

Nick, firstly I find that very hard to believe as I've never experienced or been involved in a conversation saying that leadcore kinks and traps bead, you must have a very strange casting method.


Secondly, the leadcore laying flat bit.............it depends on the lakebed and tubing doesn't exactly pin to the bottom either, with the added disadvantage of the capability to hold air.

Nick, firstly I find that very hard to believe as I've never experienced or been involved in a conversation saying that leadcore kinks and traps bead, you must have a very strange casting method.


Secondly, the leadcore laying flat bit.............it depends on the lakebed and tubing doesn't exactly pin to the bottom either, with the added disadvantage of the capability to hold air.

I feel exactly the same as you... No one i know has ever had any problems with it!


Right, I have copied and pasted all the leadcore posts onto this thread:



This thread is about Solid Bagging, and it will stay that way.

Any more leadcore replies can go onto that thread above, or I will lock this thread again as I did while I did the C&P :wink:

Guest Anonymous

Posted over there Nick..................but you started on the subject :wink:


Might be an idea to clean the poor blokes thread up now :D

Posted over there Nick..................but you started on the subject :wink:


Might be an idea to clean the poor blokes thread up now :D


Started as a "wicked" comment, didn't expect to get quite so much feedback, I should know better :roll::lol:


I cleaned up as much as I could without taking away from the thread as some of the posts are covering both topics. :?:wink:


Anyway, here is a PVA link that may be useful:



try it out for yourself mate with various methods and see whats best for you, experimenting is the key to sucsess, even if you have to use leadcore, personaly i use tubing and leadcore with bags and have no problems with either dont be put off just because its not on the next mans favorite list at the minute :lol:


don't follow the crowd with just pellets and boiles try particles, bread, maggots, and such like , you can use solid bags in winter but get the right bags ( esp work well), and leadcore or tubing well i don't use any so i can't comment on that .

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