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Posts posted by greekskii

  1. 8 minutes ago, Big Common said:

    Slightly off topic, but I do see a lot of lads packing away in a hurry and then getting their rods out quickly on their return, still clipped up from the previous session. I wonder how many times they do this before checking for weak spots and re doing their rods...... Crack offs with baited rigs..... not good.

    I'm guilty of this at times. Never had a crack off though. But I use 15lb mainline and normally 5/6ft of leadfree leader. Now using 6ft of fluoro leader due to rules. I did check after every fish though and will do due to the lily pads. Not worth the risk of a crack off or snap up 

  2. I use 40lb braid straight through to a clip and attach the spomb that way. Will chuck out a large spomb full of particle no problem. But I don't fish at range, 70 yards max. Due to the size of the waters. Never had a crack off apart from when the swivel on the spomb exploded on me. 

  3. 4 hours ago, smufter said:

    Having said that, I don't mind at all if I have one fishing at 90 degrees to be honest. A lot of people will say you need your rod pointing towards your bait. Rubbish. If anything picks up my margin bait I'll know soon enough. Just got to remember to lift into it sideways rather than up!


    Never heard that being said before. 

  4. all points above have explained it. 

    It also ensures free movement of the hook which ups the hooking potential. KD rig (I think) in the picture will fly up in to the fish's mouth. Stripping the coating off braid is commonplace on a lot of rigs. KD, knotless knot, Multi... 

    Another reason it is done is because the coating will split when bedding the knot down. If this happened youd be left with a mm or less below the hook eye which is supple. The hooking potential of this rig will be limited as the hook will likely tangle on the cast and flick about all over the shop as fish feed around it. 

  5. not any canals near you is there! Depending on how far you want to travel A rural part of the GUC will likely see no one question you regarding a ticket or night fishing. Have a look at the status of local marinas, even if they are on the river they are sometimes given stillwater status and are exempt from the close season. Odd and makes no sense but a potential, then you;ll have to get access to fish it of course.

    Or just twiddle your thumbs until the 16th, or a quiet club water?

  6. The wychwood bedchairs are good. The compact lightweight one with the camp trim. I have the smallest version to save on space and weight. I prefer it to my own bed and sleep much better in it. 

    Been used plenty as a spare bed in mine and others houses and everyone loves it! 

  7. 5 hours ago, pooter said:

    Why not get Big pit baitrunners and solve your issues?. Big casting,thick line will need bigger spools.

    Easy option right there. 

    I've been using big pits for years now and wouldn't dream of going back now to be honest. 

    A friend upgraded from shimmy baitrunners to some big pits and he commented how easy casting is now for him. With QD now on a lot of big pits the baitrunners is obsolete I think. 

  8. Yonny is right, it is a bit high, but it could be fine for over the top of low weed or leaves and sticks depending on the depth. I never normally use over 2 inches off the deck unless I really have to. Closer the better IMO.

    I'd also add to put pva foam on the multi as with the length it may tangle on the cast. I use a stiff material (pic in the multi rig thread) to make my pop-up multi rigs now as it performs much like the stiff hinged rig without the swivel.


  9. I use this stuff:


    I think I bought it in 40lb and use it straight through. Only crack off i've ever had was when the swivel on the spomb came apart. Cheap, up to the job and a choice of colours. Just a warning the dye does come off when wet so when spooling or prolonged spodding/marker work be careful of your hands and wipe down the line roller. I soaked my second spool in water for a day and spooled it tight through an old cloth, did the job getting most of the excess dye out.

  10. I use a sonik sks spod rod and it's easily good enough for the job. I have a mitchell avospod reel on it. Whole set-up with braid purchased off the bay  in bulk for about £70 if you look around. Way I see it if I break the reel its only £30 to replace it. and the rod can be replaced for £35-45 depending on where you look.

    I can hit 100yards without using great casting technique with that set up. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Richard713 said:

    Thanks for all the advice guys.
    One more question, how do you all avoid tangles on the cast?
    I'm using an anti tangle sleeve at the top of the rig - is this enough?

    I dont use one of them, I use some shrink tubing (mainly because I have loads and im too tight to buy anti tangle sleeves) 

    I form a big loop to attach to the kwik change clip and a 2 inch section of shrink tube is steamed around that with the know roughly in the middle. It helps kick the rig out on the cast. SO does hitting the clip correctly and feathering the line on the cast.

  12. These are overweighted. Found better results when fishing over clear enough bottoms. Slow sinking is a preference when using balanced baits or standard braid multi rigs. 

    Those beads look good for beating the Crays. A shot on the tag end is another style of this rig. Could that avoid their attentions? Or even wire stripped from some leadcore? 

  13. I'm sure I read somewhere that above 1030mb is classed as extreme high pressure, however it seems to be a regular occurrence the last few years...

    Higher pressure does tend to mean the fish are higher up the water column, the sunshine and clear skies associated with a high pressure system help as the water will warm up quicker. Fish tend to be off the feed during the day due to higher pressure but having said that I have caught fish off the deck in high pressure systems during the daytime. Zigs or fishing in the shallow water should see you right though.

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