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Everything posted by blanksalot

  1. If you have a faulty batch are you not going to have to retie them anyway? I've been using the perfection loops for years, never had one slip and is actually smaller than a overhand knot, tie one and see.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_NsAZtMXT4
  3. blanksalot

    360 rig

    You can't buy them that i know off, that's why i said about the gap in the market. made these myself
  4. blanksalot

    360 rig

  5. blanksalot

    360 rig

    I catch tench when i use it Gap in the market for hooks with a inbuilt swivel cue the blue peter music
  6. what lead setup do you use with this?
  7. blanksalot

    Untitled Album

    I think my camera's broke
  8. It's what you do when you see the price three quid a rig, ready tied of course some noddy will buy it
  9. The ones i used certainly take on flavour, caught more fish last year on fake baits than boilies. Always have mine glugging, put a pop up piece of maize on recently, tested it in the margin.....it sank over glugged maybe
  10. And i use the korda krimps no more fiddly knots
  11. Any use ? http://www.tacklebox.co.uk/bivvy-accessories-en/pegs-and-guy-ropes/fox-platform-screw-pegs.html
  12. Well thanks for keeping it quiet and not sharing doug good video nige
  13. Hello sirblanksalot Nice translation, I'm not sure how you guess that I can read Malay language, because I'm not from Malaysia. The pond actually is. Anyway, I dun understand the term statement ( mendaki turun menangani akhir) is new to me. For your rig, I will try out with smaller hook than the one I'm currently use like the one in my picture, but i have tried tying my hook with the pellet with string, the GT's saw it and still made a uturn. I will tried embedded the hook shank deeper into the pellet, and will also try to place the hook face inward to the pellet. tks I put 2 & 2 together and got 5 my apologies I'm sure between us we'll come up with a method to catch you a big GT
  14. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=36721
  15. Hello dan selamat datang, sila maafkan kesilapan dalam terjemahan. seperti yang ramai telah berkata mendaki turun menangani akhir anda boleh menukar kepada gigitan, kami juga melakukan cnr di uk menggunakan 5-7kg tali tambahan gelung kekili dan saiz 4-8 cangkuk nonbarb dengan beberapa ikan seberat 20 kg, mungkin yang gelekan tali tambahan gelung kekili mungkin lebih sesuai kerana mereka akan lebih kurus tetapi kuat. Untuk melampirkan pelet terapung anda, jika mereka keras potong alur yang dengan bilah gergaji besi kecil kemudian gam untuk shank cangkuk. http://www.anglersmail.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Floater2.jpg
  16. Joe, ever been newark way ? There's oakhill near norton disney, holds a good head of 20's but can get very busy. (had a couple of mid 20's from there) sapphire lakes , A1 pits ( 6 lakes to choose from) and of course cromwell, the home of the 30's & 40's
  17. These are the quik links i was referring too, just tried them in several brands of lead clip and the all fit snugly. large size i believe, the sleeve on the hooklength is a chod rig sleeve, slightly bigger bore than my A-T tube so fits over the link easier. but you could use another tail rubber for the same effect.
  18. Bin both swivels, like bez said, quik link in clip, then loop or rig ring on hook length, sorted. Or use a quick change swivel , loop on the hook length and a anti tangle sleeve to cover it.
  19. Is it anything like this first pic ? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37603
  20. I use the same materials bought for my chod rigs, esp stiff & mouthtrap both in 15lb, i have used coated braids for the boom but prefer the mono, once it's steamed over the kettle it stays quite rigid. Stiffer mono can but a tad fiddly to tie the hair too, as i found making some rigs recently. To make life easier when you fold the line over at the end the hair goes on, slide a large or xl sinker on first, keeping it on both parts of the line, this will hold the loop in place whilst tying the hair on. When the hair is tied slide the sinker up on both parts of the line and over the knot, trim tag end and voila
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