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Everything posted by pearbo

  1. I've heard that somewhere recently, something about not being food so it is taken more confidently just like stones or twigs....it may have been the Korda masterclsss....I'll get my coat.
  2. Fish exclusively with plastic unglugged corn for 10+ years and had thousands on it, hard and easy lakes. Based on this why bother, you'll just end up smelling of the next goo flavours or have pink fingers like hamidi for weeks on end.
  3. Not fenland fisheries by any chance?
  4. You'll want a barrow mate, never thought about the perch but there was a bit in improve your coarse fishing a couple of years ago and the bloke had a 20lb carp, a big bream and a 3lb roach in the article. He was fishing maggot feeder I believe. Some monstrous eels in there suposidly and quite a few tench.
  5. Fished it twice last year and quite a few times about 15 years ago. I like the place but it ain't easy, had a lovely 20lb mirror there on my last trip by hurling a method ball into the middle at night, I get the impression a greater percentsge of the fish come out at night. There is a lot of bream, or I'm great at catching them, one of the two. I reckon it'd be hard work this time of year but there are some lumps if u can persuade one to feed.
  6. i have never soaked my braid up to 100 yards, i only use a cheap braid off the net at 30lb and have never snapped off even with a fully loaded spomb. id say the braid was duff.
  7. oh either of terry hearns books too, in fact maybe they'd be at the top of the list
  8. chillis is great, any tim paisley a great story teller, love reading the maylin books, tiger bay etc too
  9. was speaking to the bailiff at my local last weekend and in 72 hours last week he apparently had 6 carp all around a pound. dont think he was amused.
  10. i haven't been on the valley for a couple of years, had a couple on brady, only really fished fen and pit 3. had a couple of low 20s out of fen and plenty of doubles. had 12 cats over two years up to 18lb 10oz. had lots of little pike out of geneva but didn't fish it for carp. guessing the cats must be pushing 30 plus in fen now. going to willowcroft wisbech to fish six islands, not fished it yet, will be interesting.
  11. Good stuff, let us know how u get on. Especially interested if the cat info is correct. hitting willowcroft next week for them and nar valley in june...
  12. they have a lake down a back street in docking itself. we built a house down there last year. I'm sure there was a board giving details (possibly about tickets??) the turning is opposite the kitchen place. had a brief look around the lake you are on about between docking and bircham but there was no one to talk to at the time. I would start in the post office, it is a tight little village, someone will know.
  13. Im sure something like this is in Hutchie's book 'carp now and then'
  14. I am under the impression that lake on the old oakwood corner is part of the green lane syndicate (dead mans boots i was told) Think a bloke called Ron is something to do with i, can't think of surname but he used to run a tackle shop in his garage in Runction Holme about 18 years ago. From memory when the lake was dug it is blooming deep and there are some gooduns in there. edited to remove censored
  15. cheers for the reply, i probably will end up joining it next 'season' and by the look of the weather i have no intention of fishing before feb any where though
  16. Have been thinking of heading over there when the weather breaks (read; if the weather breaks) am i right in thinking they shut in the winter???
  17. fished the bottom lakes twice during Xmas break. Fishing the method was very patchy...had 3 carp ,some f1s and bream on the Thursday after Xmas and last Saturday had 20 carp, in January, it was mad, not counting a handful of bream and f1s. Nothing huge but a bent rod was much appreciated. As for top lake i think small ones have been being caught to the matchmen, pellet would be my first choice if someone held a gun to my head and made me use a pole...
  18. massively late reply but this is carp now and then by hutchie. another good one with funny stories and lots of technical bits.
  19. Pit 1 has some lovely fish in, granted pit 2 fish have been round the block
  20. 24 hour+ North view - gedney - easy Bluebell - oundle - bit harder catch 22 - near dereham - a damn sight harder Swangy - atleborough - hard work day only dents bottom lakes - hilgay - if u don't catch u r a tool woodlakes - stow bridge - ranging from a challenge to hard Season ticket Bradmoor - narborough - 75 a year for nights - nice place with nice fish nar valley - just past pentney lakes - 150 for nights - lot of weed
  21. well i can say for a fact the cats havent been taken out. Just got home from 24hours on the lake, i was breamed out but a lad on the other side had a couple of 20s and a 56 (cat), another had a 20 and a 30 (cat) and a couple of carp came out at 27 and 17.
  22. I really hope u mean a differenmt lake, would be a hell of a shame.
  23. Have fished it a couple of time and am intending to head there next weekend but have noticed that the website has gone? Anyone know how its fishing at the moment, have the cats woken up yet?
  24. They banned the beach caster. Me and my old man were the only two out of hundreds using it. We used to catch a lot of fish. All of a sudden it was banned. When we asked why we were given no explantion, even better when we asked what it was they couldn't tell us that either Think this may have been something to do with the aforementioned tool in the corner caravan but we'll never know.
  25. You are 20 years late to get the best out of the lake that has the lodges on. Woodlakes used to be an incredibly popular water in the mid to late 90s. I was there every weekend without fail. Now due to non anglers (read tools) running the place i refuse to fish it. Stupid non sensical rules. The 'syndicate' lake down there has some nice fish in but obviously you need a ticket for that (used to be 25 quid to join then 15 a day). I don't believe there is any night fishing aloud on the cabin lake (check that). If i had to choose a cabin the 1st one in the near corner to the shop would be by far the best, when there were caravans on there the bloke who basically lived in it could even catch and he wasn't too bright. I'd look elsewhere personally. Waveney Valley anyone?? Hell, you could probably go to France for the same money Millers French fishing holidays? edit. Just had a look at the site and it does look like residents can fish the championship lake, although the last time i fished it in summer it was so weedy you could walk across it.
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