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Everything posted by andy52

  1. andy52


    If its any more or less than 2" you WON'T catch. Use a ruler just to be safe! its got to have a 49mm hair also
  2. andy52


    prefer the 1080 myself
  3. andy52


    no problem john. just don't let too many people know. can't be having people actualy catching carp can we
  4. andy52


    pre-baiting only works if you fish the same swim as you throw the bait into
  5. andy52


    no problem ARL, do me a favor though, keep it to yourself, don't tell enyone. its a top secret carp catcher
  6. andy52


    what you need is a double bottom bait popped up exactly 2" on a semi fixed chod-bolt rig
  7. why is it plumbers always have to dribble?
  8. join the queue mate, thats what we all want
  9. you could try Acorn, some nice fish in there. if you can get on
  10. Aiken... jack hiltons, can't beat em
  11. errrm, try feathering the cast so the rig/lead land in a straight line. when you 'dump' your rig in the edge it does'nt give a true representation of what your rig looks like 50mtrs out( unless your into scuba aswell)
  12. yateley not far from swindon
  13. was wondering has anyone fished here? is there website accurate? cheers andy
  14. and those are the best points. you could even get a tap on your head from some travellers and have no tackle when you wake up
  15. terry eustace fished there all the time in the 80's
  16. that's b'ham parks dept for you, Before the Gov't brought in the compulsory tendering (late 80's i think), there was enough money in the pot for more recreational facilities (i.e boating) this in turn led to the upkeep of the pool's . When i worked for b'ham parks dept, i was head groundsman at brandwood park sports ground, i was also baliff at lifford res ( charging people to fish while i fished for free ) i was responsible for keeping the lake/pool clean, tidy and attractive. When all the parks work went to tender the upkeep of the pools was left by the way side,(not cost effective) sad but true
  17. only twenty five and a half hours difference between posts them's slow fingers lol
  18. must admit lav hall does'nt appeal . went for a look round once. 18 people fishing 2 rods each in a pool just over an acre. saw a guy land a 24lber though, stood up for his piccy and dropped the fish
  19. testicular fortitude (look it up) has nothing to do with it, as welder says if you posting is in english you will get help. some people have problems with spelling, but have learnt to use a spell checker to make there posts, so there is no micky taking. nothing is posted with ill intent, just in fun, as a response to what has been typed.
  20. may i suggest the search facility, loads there http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=45020 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=45094&highlight=wildmore
  21. well i know Welder's 60yrs young I thought of a similar comment, but mine was far more derogatory did think of another but would have prob got me banned hope i spelt that write
  22. dingle fish not very big ( mid teens) join the B.A.A. mythe and uckinhall well worth it if you are able to fish in weed safely
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