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Everything posted by carpquarry

  1. Dan popped over for a long weekend with his girlfriend Charlotte. To be fair after just having the first frosts of the year the fishing was hard going, I know Dan said the fish were topping and jumping like mad but they were having none of it, well Dans bait anyway.The weekend quickly passed and still no joy, Dan was starting to pack up think he had blanked when his bobbing shot up and his alarm was screeming at him.He hit it and hooked into a big fish from the far side of swim 1 on chilly tuna boilie after a good fight the fish was in the net and on the unhooking mat it was a very large mirror that was all shoulders a bit like Frank Bruno and it weighed in at 44lb breaking Dans PB by 10lb. Well done Dan I hope it was worth the wait, it just show you dont give up till the fat lady sings because you never know she may be just about to take your bait. Its a great pic but dosnt show the real size of this one.
  2. I think you are dead right once you put the bait in you cant take it out, I have always used a small amount of bait and that has always worked for me to , but I do like to try all sorts of baits on one rod from prawns to sausage close in and alot of the time freeline, it works for me and it will not spook the fish with freeline. Most carp anglers will say that is madness but hey it works so what can I say.
  3. I think that is a hard question to answer as it depends on the lake and the time of year, the one thing I can say is if the lake you go to does not have bait to purchase then it may be hard to find depending on where you are. If you do go just cover all bases because if there is not a problem in how much you can take ie weight/size you can always take it home again. If you got there and the fish were taking say pellet well and you only had boilies you would be gutted. Also it is always nice to try other things as they dont get used much these days ie meat in the margins etc. These old fashioned methods can produce well and if it is quite give it a go you have nothing to lose.
  4. 10/10/09-17/10/09 Tony Nick & Steve arrived from Plymouth and Bournmouth after drawing straws on the boat Tony had the pick of swims and went for swim 1 the rock, this was a good choice as within 3 hours of being here he landed a 37lb8oz mirror beating his PB by 6lb this was caught on boilie in 12ft of water only 3ft from his rodpod, Nick replied in swim 5 with a 32lb mirror breaking his PB by 2lb. After all the excitment at the start the lake went quite for a couple of days the carp now know there are anglers after them.After a little bit of advise Tony was in again in swim 1 at 2am with the first frost of the year and he was rewarded with a little mirror of 25lb after lossing a few he landed another mirror at 30lb. In the early hours Tony was out in the frost landing another mirror at 29lb Nick was also up playing a good fish but only to loss it at the net.Later that morning just to let the boys know the start of the fishing wasnt luck Tony landed another long original mirror at again 37lb8oz. Nick wasnt having any of that and was into a nice carp that came in at 31lb8oz from the far cliff face on pineapple boilie followed by another at 29lb8oz. At last Steve rod was of and he landed a cracking mirror at 34lb from crab boilie,Plenty of fish were missed/lost but it wasnt bad with the first frost etc. Well done guys. Nick 29lb8oz,31lb8oz and 32lb PB. Steve 34lb. Tony 25lb,29lb,30lb,37lb8oz,and 37lb8oz PB Ave fish from the trip just over 32lb.[/img] Tony 29lb8oz Nick 32lb Tony with one of his 37lb8oz mirrors Tony with his other 37lb8oz
  5. That is one point the fish in march at any lake in France will be at there biggest and in the best condition pre spawning if March is the only time you can go then go for it just take the right gear to keep warm there is still alot of fish to be caught just dont overbait when you put the food in the lake you cant take it out
  6. I agree with all the post it is going to be hard fishing in March unless you are very lucky on weather. It will be better fishing and more plesent for you it you could leave your trip till end of April onwards and good on that lake owner to be honest with you. Good luck on your trip.
  7. For me I dont think you can beat Korda wide gap hooks/hairs for fishing in France sizes 8,6 or 4s. I put the size of hook to size of bait size 8 for maize & 12mm boilies, size 6 for 15/18mm and 4s for bigger baits I also find the length of the hair to be perfect 6 to 12" long coupled with a safty clip lead system
  8. Have PMed you a lake that may be of interest
  9. Have PMed you with a good lake
  10. If Carpquarry is not what you are looking you could try Blavet Valley Lakes in Brittany they are also very good lakes like Carpquarry
  11. Hi Have PMed you a great Lake
  12. Have PMed you Regards Gordon
  13. Have PMed you with a very good lake
  14. HI Have PMed you with a good lake
  15. Have PMed you. Cheers Gordon
  16. have pm ed you
  17. Have pm ed you
  18. Have a look at my lake 90mins from ferry ports and ave fish 32lb have put the link at the bottom also have a look on fishing holidays tab at top of this page and the are lots of lakes that all support carp.com www.carpquarry.co.uk
  19. HI I have tryed the garlic LM over here but with no joy but standard one was good also have never been asked what I was taking over. In the shops out here I have not seen LM. You cant beat a cube of LM freeline in the margings Good luck with the fishing. Gordon
  20. Have pm ed you
  21. Hi Have been told that it should be live in the next 2 to 3 weeks, thanks to the member who put up one of my pictures I wouldnt of had a clue on how to do that. Gordon Carpquarry
  22. Just had our first anglers out the Leatherhead plumbers for a weekend, They didnt do to bad considering this is the first time the lake has been fished with fish from 27lb to 31lb. None of the larger carp showed but hopefully they will be on the catch report soon. All the best from Carpquarry.
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