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Everything posted by yonny

  1. Not a good idea fella - You'll exceed it's yield point which will weaken it. Personally I wouldn't go near a fly hook for carp.
  2. Can't say I'll write off all Korda gear but I'll certainly avoid the hooks. I've already written off Nash, Fox, Drennan/ESP.... I'm running out of options. TBH Atomic hooks are all I use anyway nowadays - they've never let me down.
  3. The vast majority of hooks come from China but it's a myth that all Chinese manufacturers are bad fella. Some are very. very good indeed. The problems start when the tackle brands try to cut costs by using the cheaper manufacturers (which are the guys you're referring to). It winds me up - it's fair enough that the tackle brands want to increase their margin, that's standard business practise, but if they choose to go down that route than they should have a robust inspection of product when it gets to Europe. It's clear that in many cases they don't do any testing whatsoever - they just take it for granted that the hooks are sound and then come out with their "you'll always get a bad batch" rollocks when they fail in the field. In those cases you have to blame the tackle firm as much as the manufacturer, or more so in my mind.
  4. Sounds to me like there's an issue with consistency with these Kranks. One fella says they're flexible which is actually a good thing - they're heat treated high carbon steel (same stuff knife blades are made out of) so they have a high spring rate which allows them to flex slightly so they can absorb stress and maintain there original shape. Another fella says they bend which means his batch was too soft (i.e. spring rate was too low and the material yielded). Another fella said they snap meaning his batch was too hard hence they were brittle. You hear folks giving it "you'll always have a bad batch from time to time". I can tell you now that's absolute rubbish. If the manufacturer has control of their process you shouldn't get any issues like that. Therefore if I see a single hook fail I'll avoid that manufacturer altogether - no second chances.
  5. Horror stories starting to emerge on other forums. Apparently the pin that holds the lid on is prone to walking out of the hole. There's been lots of reports of them failing. Fox have actually acknowledged a problem of FB: "our guess would be that the pin on the hinge has worked its way loose through not being flared enough this is the only issue we have seen with the hinge since the product was released, the hinge was bomb proof in testing, it just appears a small percentage of the tens of thousands we have made have not been flared quite enough by the pneumatic press". Worrying.....
  6. Mine arrived yesterday. It looks good but I aint used it yet.... Basically my fist impression is that they've fixed all the problems I saw with the Spomb. Can't ask for much more than that. Looks well built but looks don't always tell the full story.
  7. Just to second everything Kev said, and to illustrate how hard Kingy can be: I've fished Bluebell a couple of times a year for the past 10 years or so. I started off with Bluebell lake and it took me a good couple of sessions to get to grips with that properly. Don't get me wrong it can be hectic on Bluebell but most people still blank all the time. Those fish have seen everything. Anyway, Kingy; I have fished the lake twice. On my fist visit I had an upper double mirror and thought hey-ho this is gonna be easy, just fish it like the other waters. How wrong I was. The second session, earlier this year, I spent a blank night on the lock bank and saw loads of fish topping in the far corner. First thing in the morning I moved round there and set up as quietly as possible. The fish stayed in front of me and I thought I was in for a cracker. To cut a long story short, I spent 2 days and nights with fish all over me trying everything I could (and failing) to get a bite. At one point I had a group of 12 fish visiting a tiny gravel spot in the margins every half hour. I managed to get 6 chops (i.e. 3 boilies, halved) on the spot and sat back to see if they would be taken, no rig on the spot at this point. Twenty mins later there they are, they were straight over to the spot. As soon as they saw those chops they spooked, and I mean spooked properly. Turned, did the off, and didn't come back. How do you go about catching fish that react to 3 boiles like that? I've been fishing for carp for 15 years and like to think I know a thing or two about catching them, but those fish in Kingy did me up like a kipper. One thing I will say is it must be the most exciting blank I've ever had, and I can't wait to get back there at some point. All the same, if it's your first visit to the complex I would start with one of the easier waters and even then don't count on having a red letter day. Unless you're bang on numbers of fish even Bluebell, Mallard etc can be tricky.
  8. A 20 from horseshoe holds the merit of a 40 from the monument as well...... Proper carp for proper anglers.
  9. Disagree. That may be the point of the rig for less experienced anglers (the chuck-it-out-and-have-a-beer brigade) . For those that are experienced, the point of the rig is to fish spots that cannot be fished effectively with more conventional rigs. It can be used to chuck at fish showing over an area of unknown bottom but that is a secondary purpose. I would never dream of putting a choddy on a clear area.
  10. If it's not clean on the deck then whack a split shot an inch or two under the hook on the rig you're already using. Comments above are correct, what you're doing already will catch carp from any water. Job done.
  11. The Linch Hill complex is the best in Oxford. Christchurch and Willow lakes can be fished on a day ticket.
  12. £5 for 3 zigs is VERY pricey! You can get 100m of Drennan double strength for £5. That will make 33 10ft zigs.
  13. Lets try again..... I used this rig in 2012 thinking I had invented it. I called it the anti-eject chod. I caught my first UK 40 on it so immediately thought it was the best rig ever. Over the course of the season however it didn't outfish the other rigs I was using. I use a much less complicated version now although still quite different to the standard chod. I remember seeing that rig on the Korda website shortly after I had though of it and was well gutted my "secret" was out!!
  14. I used this rig in 2012 thinking
  15. Loads of Pike and Tench. Hardly any Carp before the lake was rejuvenated - You could count them on one hand. Must have re-stocked it.
  16. I've heard a few stories about the lake in Aldwinkle. Head straight through the village from the A605 and you come to it on your left. It has a car park and map with the swims marked out but there is no contact info anywhere (and I mean anywhere). Someone has sorted the place out and is keeping it proper schtum!!
  17. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... I've just joined the forum with the aim of finding a new syndicate venue in Northamptonshire for 2009. I've been carping for some time and have covered Stanwick, Bluebell, Grendon, Headlands, Welham, Hannington, Barkers & Brightwell, Kiniwell, South View. I am currently looking at getting a ticket for Clover @ Ecton but this is only to get on the list for Jigsaw syndicate. I have seen what looks likes a nice water in Auldwinckle but can't find any info. Any suggestions???
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