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Everything posted by crayonhussy

  1. I have always pushed slightly against the back of the shank while pulling out in the direction it went in. Just to try an limit the amount of flesh the barb has to pull through when coming out.
  2. Freelined bread
  3. got powder wars for xmas (not the kind of thing you would expect to get off your mum ) but havent got round to starting it yet. cocky was a good read - a true career criminal at work. he has just been done again for being the brains behind that jersey drug smuggling ring... "costa del crime" was also a good read - the blurb on the front cover says it all.... Mr Nice - "During the mid 19802 Howard Marks had forty-three aliases, eighty-nine phone lines and owned twenty-five companies trading throughout the world. At the height of his career he was smuggling consignments of up to thirty tons of marijuana, and had contact with organisations as diverse as MI6, the CIA, the IRA and the Mafia. Following a worldwide operation by the Drugs Enforcement Agency, he was busted and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison at Terre Haute Penitentiary, Indiana. He was released in April 1995 after serving seven years of his sentence." Brilliant book, amazing story for the times. Would definatelly suggest reading this if you like a criminal orientated book.
  4. I had my PB best from there and it was a leather, beautiful fish. Good day ticket water, was on the lakes with the animal park where the paying public can walk around the lake as well. Another lake i have fished which is fantastic is buryhill fisheries in surrey. Not so much for the catch rate, got a lot of small carp in there, only ever pulled out carp on average, about 15 pounds. It's more for the pure beauty of the main lake, and other lakes, just a very well thought out day ticket venue. Also something to commend, it has the biggest filtration system in Europe, I think? Working on the main lake, for the summer months when the water is lacking in oxygen. Plan on doing a bit of winter piking on there in a few weeks.
  5. It was one sentence! So why would I need to use a full stop?
  6. may have made a bit a sense if you didnt write "english" the first time people in glass houses Both parts of the sentence require a reference to English coursework as the original post did not specify! Maybe you need to catch up on your coursework as well. Glass house might apply to yourself more fella.
  7. You need to catch up on your English coursework, I just hope for your sake that this is not for your English coursework?!?!?
  8. assuming your all going to travel that far you could even go along the thames and fish for free. The stretch where the M3 goes over the thames is ment to be quite good!
  9. how about you go and test it out this weekend and let me know? Suppose the guy who is going there can let us know though
  10. your having a laugh if you think your getting from walthamstow to yateley in 50 minutes! More 1 hour 30 minutes! We are talking about the yateley complex in hampshire right?
  11. invest in some waders and goggles and pin it down with a cloaths peg
  12. I always stick me hook in to the bottom of the feeder, same sort of effect as tying it to the feeder with pva. Carefull of your casting as well, smooth casting is always the best. Feeder fishing is always going to tangle you up a bit more than set ups for carp fishing, it's just not pretty. You could also try an inline feeder! Had a blinding session the other week, doing a bit of bream bashin. after 2 slow hours It started speeding up and was literally a fish a chuck.
  13. I would also try using some floating baits as well around your float. If you watch the movement of fish when surface fishing you can see that they come up slowly from around the depth your talking about. Mind you, if they are taking the surface baits then surface fishing is even better than the float. I normally try this around lilly pads where the lilly pads hold the floating baits in place, then fish a float or suface fish just on the edge of the pad.
  14. The above is also good for not spooking the carp, over cast and slowly reel in to get your bait around the area you want!
  15. ?????
  16. Only been to tri lakes and have not been there for a little while...so unfortunately I can't help you Nick!
  17. I always retrieve maybe 2/3 feet of line once the lead has hit bottom. As long as I dont feel any jolts while im doing it I feel safe that i have pulled the rig straight in the order I would prefer it.
  18. I borrowed this quote (its only part of a reply) from the Different Strains thread, and its a subject that I've been thinking about as well. There are definitely different ways of feeding from different Carp, it has come up in the past in this thread as well. Some fish will suck and blow to eat their food, and others will scoop and pick up their food in the lips. Is this sucking and blowing fish going to get caught on the same rig as a fish which mouthes the bait? How do you make a rig that will catch the both types of feeding. Shorter rigs will catch fish that are over beds of bait, but will this same short rig catch fish feeding on this bait that are sucking the baits in? It can't be going in far enough. Is this the reason for hookpulls on some fish? Or is the short rig being taken in by fish that are picking the bait up and the lead is pulling the hook down to pr1ck the fish too early? On a longer rig with a good length hair ( both longer than usual) do both types of fish get caught? The water I have had a problem with hookholds I was playing this week, and had takes on 2 different rigs, one again, slightly more Complicated than standard. The rig that produced 3 fish was a Basic Knotless Knotted SuperNova Hooklink to ESP hook of about 20cm long. From the end of the bait I had about 10mm clearance to the shank. The other rod had on a Coated Braid Snowman presentation on a Sliding ring on the shank of the hook, the ring only able to slide to the top of the shank as there was a small Fox rubber stop. I had no clearance from the bait to the ring, the hookbait was tight, no additional hair showing through the bait. On both rigs the carp were hooked fairly and squarely and I had no problems with either. Have I gone too Complicated to start with? Dave had a Carp on a basic Amnesia Hooklink with a mono hair. Personnely I think the carp eating your bait has much more say so on whether or not you hook it. I think rigs only make a slight difference in comparrison.
  19. thats what i was thinking korda 12 to me looks like e.s.p 8 I have noticed this before as well, miffed me a bit at first till I realised when I got home and compared and realised that I wasn't going mad!
  20. Or once you have them on the thread, stick the needle through a foam ball, and keep repeating this process until you cant see the ball of foam, normaly works better with about 10. Then you just use the ball of maggots like you would a boilie and hair rig it!
  21. I normaly just make 3 or 4 rigs the night before I go. If the situation requires fine tuning then Ill do it on the bank!
  22. Wouldn't you say (the people talking about tweaking your rig) that it's quite possibly just coincidence that you catch better with a slightly tweaked rig?
  23. will have to give it a go )!
  24. Is that an MFK lake? So where is this picture of the rig you were talking about??? You have me captivated
  25. Yeah...I think...but a picture would still be good What upload sight have you used to try and get your image up? Maybe I can explain that well enough so that you can get your picture up!
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