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Everything posted by fraserking

  1. The temperature has dropped quite a bit and the wind has picked up too, certainly in SW London. September is usually a good fishing month, but I wonder if the very hot summer has meant the dip is quite noticable for fish. It sounds like everyone is experiencing late october fishing, when bites can be hard to come by. I haven't checked the air pressure recently, but that may hold an explanantion!
  2. Very, very impressed with both home made versions, NealJT and Cyborx. Proper anglers you two! I use the Gardner suspender and it is very effective. A better presentation I would suggest than a controller float, but I'm sure lots favour the latter, as I see more of them on the lakes I fish in the summer months.
  3. Crikey this Forum's full of old hoolies. Perhaps their ought to be a fish off between old firms?
  4. It really is simple as far as I'm concerned, if you don't like Korda don't buy their stuff! I'm sure, If DFs name wasn't on the Daiwa rods someone elses would be! For the record I rarely buy their stuff, I have a fondness for N Trap coated braid and the Crusher is great, but not a lot more. But someone obviously does buy a lot of their stuff, so it can't be all that bad! Not sure about the 'Chav' connection :\
  5. I've never really got the whole anti Korda/Danny Fairbrass thing. I don't use lots of their products, but what I have used has been fine. I'm less taken with the 'K' on everything marketing ploy but that's just an aesthetic thing on my part. As for the man himself, good on him really, he's popularized fishing and got lots of people involved who may not have done so without his chutzpah. I agree with Newmarket on the website, it's a great resource and doesn't depend on buying Korda stuff, if more manafacturers behaved like that we might see fewer kids on the bank casting in killer rigs. Good shout NM
  6. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=19019&highlight=barbed
  7. Sorry I've virtually repeated what you said. Should have read the whole thread!
  8. I'm sure there is a lengthy thread on this somewhere! I can see both sides of this argument. Barbless hooks can do a lot of damage depending on how the fish is hooked, especially with LS hooks. On the other hand a barbed hook, in the wrong hands, e.g. not knowing how to remove it properly can potentially cause even more. Wherever possible and on the basis that I can take them out safely I use a barbed hook. If the fishery rules are barbless, then barbless it is.
  9. Just to add to the voices. There is no right length of this or any rig. It depends on the circumstances and what you are happy with. If it works, it's good enough.
  10. I've used lots of different types and found most to be ok. The biggest problem with lead clips (like say Korda's) is that people, usually inexperienced, tend to push the rubber down too hard and/or without making sure its well lubricated. The packaging never warns about the potential problems if not set up properly. I have pulled out more than one lead clip with the rubber jammed on tight or worse glued in! Where possible a running lead is my set up of choice. I take the point about not wanting to drop a lead every time, but that is not a priority in my book. After all what's the price of a lead?
  11. Absolutely right. I've seen first hand evidence of this with a fellow angler who was using a LS barbless hook some years ago now. After playing a fish for over ten minutes, in and out of weed, the fish came out with a mouth like a sad boxer. Most of the damage was close to hook and it wasn't pretty. Even with klinik and some TLC it wasn't good. I (and he) have not used this pattern since without a micro barb (where allowed).
  12. I tend not to feel confident if my hooklink is overburdened with sinkers or shot. Worry that it will stand out too much. If I'm using uncoated braids I tend to rub tungsten putty up and down to add weight. I might be a bit strange with this but you know when you don't feel happy its plays on your mind when you're fishing.
  13. I agree with studley, it can all depend on where you are fishing! I have a range of long and short hooklinks in different materials but stick to one or two types of rig pattern. My maxim is always simple is best, especially if you are new to carp fishing. Braids in anything from 15-25Ib strength would be fine and flourocarbon links between 10-15Ib. If you do a search for rigs on here you will get some good advice....Good Luck!
  14. I just rub it backwards and forwards on my strides and then hold it straight for about 10 seconds. It responds well to being warmed up, some people steam it but I think that weakens the material and it's not necessary.
  15. While not strictly on topic, please ensure ANY alarm you buy has volume control (or can be muted) so you can set the bobbin without alerting everyone else on the lake. Sorry. This is something that really winds me up... I couldn't agree more, I cannot understand why this is so difficult. It drives me bonkers too.
  16. I have used the KD rig with both wide gape and SSSP hook patterns. Seemed to work ok!
  17. ...or down a foot depending on the depth!
  18. Make sure you guard your gear!
  19. Oh and Gardner...
  20. Nash hooks the only way to go!
  21. Just done a quick search, which I should have done first, and it seems you need to use this as a combi rig component as it is too thick! I'm going to give it a try!
  22. Does anyone else have problems getting this material back through the eye of the hook? It seems to fray and doesn't smooth down when damp. It's really frustrating! Cheers!
  23. I used to be like that...just tie them on a hair or even pierce with a small swivel. However, as many have said here it depends on the pop up and how it constructed. I changed my approach after a session of sinking pop ups after an hour so of being in the water ( I won't mention the brand). I too don't see the need for floss and use thin mono as long as you don't tie it too tight it's fine.
  24. I love this method and in high summer it accounts for some great catches and quick action. last summer I put the bread encased hook in some PVA mesh with a bit of gravel to be able to get distance and control on the cast. I thought it would spook the fish but they barely noticed!
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