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Everything posted by crappercarper

  1. must be skate, excuse him though i expect his neck is hurting him from all the weight of all the teams above them and looking up the table all the time. cant wait for us to beat them when they come to ours.
  2. theres a cuppla cancellations going At what cost and when? I want them. Please. Ian One place from Sunday 14th to Friday 19th November All 4 places from Sunday 13th to Friday 18th February 2011 Anybody interested should call Les this weekend on his mobile 07723 300 927
  3. im off to wembley hopefully as well, still trying to sort tickets but its looking bad at the mo. well you know what i look like (check the carp catch report) so come say hi
  4. i fished nutsey last week and had a couple other anglers on it but that was mid week and unusually quiet, weekends it always has at least 4 anglers on it and thats more then enough for such a small lake. when the weather warms up more its gonna be rammed as usual. embley have been slowly putting on weight but they did have an algae bloom last summer and a few have died
  5. excuse my ignorance but is this warmwell as in the holiday place with the lodges in weymouth? if so i stayed in one of those lodges in september and had a look around the lakes, i think the speciman lake was the one with a lodge on the island. its nothing more then a muddy puddle and dont think there would be anything of any size swimming in there.
  6. i have just pm'd ya brother, can you make him aware of it if hes not a regular on here, cheers
  7. cool, thanks for that will have a good look tomorrow when ive got more time, cheers
  8. hi, me and a mate are seriuosly thinking of fishing the above lake next year and just wondering if anybody here has fished it and what there experiances are? cheers gary
  9. i would personally use a esp raptor size 8 for that
  10. id love to be a member of match, a geezer i work with is a member and ive guested a few times with him. he does nearly every weekend friday - sunday and has had a load outta there, id love to target the cats as well, monsters in there
  11. you on a silver then?
  12. what lakes do you fish binfield?
  13. me and a couple of mates decided to have a walk round there one summers evening combining it with a few stops at the local forest pubs, when we got there i couldnt believe what i saw, tents everywhere, radios on full blast, people shouting across the lake at each other, the lake must be rammed full of fish as people were still catching but they were only around the 5lb mark. i would definatly give it a miss when its busy maybe do a day session in the depths of winter when all the planks are at home watching the football in front of the fire.
  14. pm for ya
  15. dont believe a word of it have you sorted the bloke out with his alrams yet????
  16. broadlands, longbridge, chichester pits....
  17. the dogs as soft as poo come down, enjoy the scenary and gorgous sun we have in the south, drink the local beer, look at the local girls, just leave the caravan at home
  18. im glad you like, i take it you like gingers then? why dont you and your caravan friends come on down for some hospitality from me and my dogs
  19. well i get sick to death of tourists towing their tupper wear boxes clogging up the roads around the new forest and south coast, they should all be melted down into something more useful like plastic figurines of sophie ellis bextor
  20. yeah, from the m27 join the m3 and head north till you get on the m25 then m1, keep heading north until you and your caravan find a nice place to stop. stay there
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