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Everything posted by paulmlpss

  1. I always used to add a bit of salt, say a palmful to a big pan full. Not sure if it makes any difference or not. Used to do really well on it years ago fishing 1 piece of maize and a piece of fake corn.
  2. I would buy my own and then you can boil as little as you like and it's dirt cheap.
  3. Hello all I'm off to the monument 2 this weekend. It's not really my cup of tea but a couple of bloke from work was going so I thought I'd tag along. Has anyone been and done any good? I've watched various YouTube videos but they are mainly when it was first opened. Just after a few tips to hopefully bag one or two. Thanks Paul
  4. Baden Hall in staffordshire
  5. Dont think it matters much at drayton. They are like phrinnas, if you cant catch there give up lol.
  6. Oh yeah i forgot about that lol It's a 2 man job though as one needs to hold rod and other chuck the bottle lol
  7. I've only fished it once in March 2005 when i brought all my carp gear and switched over from coarse fishing to carp fishing. Didnt really expect to catch as the pool was half frooze when i got there lol. To make matters worse it snowed in the night too and i frooze my tats off. Still it was a nice pool back then in winter.
  8. Maybe the water too tough for the angler lol. Its funny when people dont catch and moan about weed in the water they say that the pool is rubbish.
  9. Thought you ment you had found a spot on your body somewhere lol Goto docs get it checked out might just be a wart.
  10. How much are they? I got a tenner in my wallet lol
  11. Shame when that happens they filled one in by me when building the toll rod and cut some of another one off. Dont think you can do much really if they have planning permission
  12. Yeah your pobably right about the hook sticking out like a sore thumb with 3 maggotts. I would use a 10 or a 12 but in a korda or something. And i would try and get as many maggotts on the clip as i could so its a nice juicy bunch.
  13. Do you know you gotta sleep in a shed? I heard its very weedy.
  14. Dont take my work for it as its a while since i last went but i think that peg you can see in the top leftish corner is pegs 8 and 9 http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=codsall&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=11.74868,28.256836&ie=UTF8&ll=52.639154,-2.212865&spn=0.001471,0.003449&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A Thats all i know as thats the only 2 pegs me and my mate fished, i could be wrong but thats a good social swim if your going with your mate. Also its probably the best bet for getting your bivvy up too.
  15. What size lead was you using? You want to use the lightest lead possible then that will help when playing the fish.
  16. If you hook a fish theres probably 80% chance it will be a 20 Good luck
  17. I just read that it opened in may this year so you cant expect it to be brilliant at the moment. I fished merringtons few years ago when it first opened on a socal and some people off here was there too. All that was caught in 48 hrs on a full lake was 1 fish on the last day. But now i think it fishes alot better although i havent been again, just from what i have read on forums.
  18. How long has the lake had fish in for? A new lake can be rubbish at first until everything settles. It could be a few years before it fishes any good.
  19. last time i went it was £4 day ticket and i think its now £3 to get into the park.
  20. Problem with cudmore is that there are loads of little tiddlers in there too. Great if your just going for a bend in your rod, but if your after anything of any size then your in for a bit of disapointment. Colin Yeah i agree. When i went to go fishing show there last week i looked at carp lake and they was topping like phirannas for the dog biscuits and alot of them was single figure fish. Looks good for few runs though
  21. Not really as he said he switched the snakebite to mono and then caught 2 fish, so im guessing he had rod in same place. I think snakebite pretty rubbish to be honest. Its really thick and stands out like a sore thumb. But i imagine you caught because mono is less visable than snakebite. Keep it simple and just concentrate on watercraft.
  22. Yeah last time i went it was something like £28 for 24hrs so its probably more now. Nice fish but not very nice lakes
  23. Well ive fished the canals now for about 4 years and not once have a been asked for any money lol. 10 years ago there was matches on the canals every week and people used to own all the stretches but now i think they have moved onto the commercial lakes. The one canal by me says that an angling club owns it and its £5 per year but ive still not seen anyone to buy a ticket off. I'd just fish it mate unless theres any signs saying private. The only stretch i know thats private is in huddlsford near whittington and thats owned by the BAA.
  24. Yes there are carp in the canal by hopwas mate. I've not fished there myself but i know they get caught there. I've caught them out the coventry canal in nuneaton and also by fradley, nothing massive biggest probably 15lb but there are 20s about. Let me know if you fancy doing a session sometime as im not keen doing nights on the canal on my own
  25. All i do on the river is thread feeder on mainline then rubber bead and then tie a swivel on. Then i just tie my hooklink to the other end of the swivel and thats job done.
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