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  1. Maybe a lot more challenging than the Mere for the Black Mirror? Not sure a shotgun and pack dogs (apparently) would be worth the risk lol
  2. Shame you never finished with a carp mate. Yes the Jungle was great for tench 👍 It is a lovely place and can understand why it is now closed to fishing, let it rest in peace and others can enjoy the peace of such a lovely setting, except for the big trucks who used to run along the path to the works at back of the lakes
  3. Like him or not. the late John Wilson was warning about the dangers of otters so many years ago: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-24331800 On other forums people claim to have knowledge about people illegally releasing otters, nothing has been done. Have to live with it now. Hopefully the places you fish will carry on 👍
  4. Nobody died but village was decimated for a while , I actually have been there and seeing the flood water levels marked out was an eye opener mate
  5. There was an episode of the Windsors, where Charlie boy had done rewilding and had to reintroduce bigger preditors to solve the problem! Yes a great comedy series but maybe an element of truth in it 😃
  6. Any facts about that mate?!! Suspect a lot of peoples housing now flooding because of... new builds on flood plains, to much overbuilding over natural drainage... concrete drives, artifical grass etc etc. Bring on the beavers, might have stopped the flood disasters in some where like Boscastle if they could have stopped the dredged out river to cause so many lost lives? Oh and poor farmers will no doubt be bleating on later... what about the toxic waste they (some of them) allow to pollute our rivers... Tin hat on but just a cynical old git lol
  7. Framey, I could well have been, Tench and Bream fishing on float or feeder used to be great many, many years ago on the 'Dove; front bank when the lillie pads were there. Remember hiring a punt and a certain Mr Rowles told me and mate to clean of the anchour before we left it lol. The pads were ripped out on main lake when water pigs became the going thing, to be honest, I never caught a carp from the main lake, did see lots basking around the old shop. Another memory to look back on, and hopefully the owner enjoys his peace at the lake
  8. At least the new craze for releasing Beavers, that obviously won't eat fish can't provoke any reactions can it??
  9. How did you get finish the last session?
  10. I have fished Bury Hill on and off since the 80's. Originally it was only the main lake, the baliff was a certain Mr Rowles, what a character he was! Then the place was one of the only ones in the south to introduce 'any method' trout fishing to get around the long gone close season on lakes. Not surprised it is closing, the owner I believe built a house by the main lake where the shop and cafe used to be, and now wants his privacy I am guessing. Milton lake was always my favorite, used to be fantastic for crucians and tench on the pole, then as ever I think it was netted and was never the same again. Not my thing at all but the main lake used to be a premier water for zander fishing, wonder what happened to them?
  11. Yes, far to dodgy now, and for a bloke of my age! Remember many years ago I saw some pics of some very big carp in the main lake taken by an 'Urban explorer', if they are still there who knows?
  12. No probs mate, If anyone has some spare time, do a quick google on the place...... very interesting to say the least 👍
  13. Hopefully not intruding on this thread, I was one of the original Carp Society members who helped them buy Horseshoe lake, spent 3 seasons there and long since sold up. Different times and so much more chilled, times have so much changed, sign of old age I guess lol
  14. 190 + views and no comments, guess to secret or no one has heard of it 😀
  15. As most of you are probably aware, sooo many expensive ones on the market. Have seen on other places of the catch reports, lovely fish can't argue with that. But for 'assuming' most anglers are they worth it? Have to say Terry Hearn and many others reliied on location and obviously time for catches
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