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About Iron_angling

  • Birthday 14/08/1996

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  1. Hello all, I decided to buy 25M of Korda Kable and some leadcore beads so start making my own heli systems instead of keep buying ready made ones. I purchased the recommended 6mm beads and they were too big so i bought the 4mm beads but even they keep slipping up and down the leadcore without and pressure. can someone recommend what beads to use to stop them slipping up and down unless under pressure i.e you physiaclly moving the bead up/down thanks Josh
  2. My friend told me to use just hemp and boilies aswell actually..
  3. I'm doing 72 hours on a 20 acre lake Sunday. there are some carp to over 30 in there but mainly 20s. as well as carp, there are an abundance of bream. what baits for spodding etc would you recommend to try and avoid the bream as much as possible? hemp & maize? (nuts are banned)
  4. thanks mate, hopefully I can report back with a catch or two!
  5. hello all, I am going fishing this sunday for 72 hours. I've never fished this time of year before. How much bait would you recommend? Recommend spod mix? (hemp, maize & pellets) what type of boilie would you use? any info and tips for fishing this time of year would be appreciated. regards, Josh
  6. Nice! I will ask them and see if I get any. thanks mate
  7. Hi all, i'm looking to jazz up my bait buckets/ Bivvy Table with 'carpy' stickers. 🐟 anyone got some pics of their carpy buckets? also what companies give out stickers? will upload my buckets/ Table in due course when I get them stickered up. regards, Josh
  8. that's really interesting. thanks for the info. very much appreciated.
  9. interesting. See i'm always told that in the UK low pressure is best but I wouldn't have a clue tbh..
  10. Morning guys, I always see people saying the pressure today is too low/high. what pressures are best for carp fishing? any advice would be greatly appreciated. regards, Josh
  11. Thanks for the info mate! might see you down there. Josh
  12. I will fish bovi 2 more than the others, what stocks are left in as I've heard the big ones are dead other than the slate grey? also is it really weedy and busy of a weekend? and other useful info you think would be good to know, cheers, josh
  13. Hello all, I will be joining the CAPS waters at the end of the month and was wondering if anyone had some up to date knowledge on the lakes as the website is abit old and outdated. any info would be greatly appreciated. tight lines, Josh
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