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Everything posted by Machali

  1. I tried to use a big spod on my rod, what a poor idea... Give us some feedback when you try those little avid please
  2. So in your experience must match the size (or weigh) of the spod/spomb to rod power to prevent tangle?
  3. I usually fish in wild waters and I prefer a subtle approach during the sessions. I'll probably use a big spomb for pre-bait, and a tiny one during short sessions
  4. Will be my solution for now, i usually don't spod huge amounts of bait while fihsing. In a near future i'll look for a dedicated rod+reel to pre-bait campaigns.
  5. Hi anglers! Today i was looking for a spod set (rod+reel) cause I'm afraid to break my rods when spodding (i'm using 3lb rods), but right now i can't afford a good set. I remember that Gardner has a tiny rocket spod, they say that it weights between 2 or 3 ouces when filled. Anyone using one of those small spods? Thoughts about it?
  6. Saw that weigh sling somewhere at £39,99, so thanks for your link I'm Portuguese, living in Portugal. In this case it would be worth the trip to shop and try it in UK
  7. The net i have now is one like that one from the photo. It has near 20 years, is a bit weak and small. Had a big trouble landing a 17lb carp with it. Looking for a new one (or maybe used if can find a good offer), with a fish friendly mesh, and bigger. I'm looking for something affordable, but prefer to pay a bit more for something good that last for a couple of years.
  8. Hello guys. I'm looking for a new landing net. I was using an old from my dad, but in some occasions I had some trouble to free the carp from it (mesh wraps around the dorsal fin). Now I'm looking for a new one that doesn't do the same. Any suggestions? PS.: I'll buy in a near future a weigh sling, looking for recommendations
  9. Nice christmas carp dayvid!
  10. Well done, nice pikes! Never caught one, here in Portugal they just live in a low number of waters. Maybe in January I'll try my first pike on spinning rod! Congrats for your catches
  11. https://www.urbanbait.co.uk/latest-news/maggot-fishing-for-carp-in-winter Anyone tryed it?
  12. Respect mate!
  13. Just got serious !
  14. All said! Now come here little hooks, let's land some carps 😁
  15. Thank you all for your opinions and experiences! A great help! Ordered a pack of Gardner Mugga Specialist Sharpened, now i'm waiting for them to try it saturday!
  16. Is that recipe a miracle for cough right? My options are a good cup of coffee or tea in cold weather, or a nice fresh beer in summer!
  17. In my opinion they look good for multi rig. Using them in Ronnie rig I believe will change the mechanism of the rig because of the position of the eye in the hook
  18. My options were Fox Curve Shank, Korda Kurv, or ESP. Read somewhere in the forum that Korda aren't really sharp so excluded. I'll try those ESP size 6 thanks for your help one more time!
  19. About the ronnie, which hook are u using mates? I need to buy some hooks. Any advice about it? Looking for really sharp hooks. Usually i use wide gape for bottom presentations, but now in winter i'll use ronnie or multi rigs with PVA sticks, or inside PVA bags. Which hook would i use for it? I'm using 14mm pop-ups, woyuld i use size 6 hooks?
  20. I read somewhere on internet that fermented particles works really nice, but rotten particles can make fish move away from the swim for weeks... My bucket has a bit of mold in
  21. Sorry to know about your losses guys. Hope the best for you and your family 🙏
  22. I'll do the test! Thank you mate! Other question: As we know, carp has a really sensitive smell sense. How should i wash the sour smell from it? I don't like to use cleaning products on my bait buckets because of chemicals used in those products
  23. Hello guys! Some weeks ago i scheduled a session with a friend, filled a bucket with corn to soak it before boil to pre-bait the swim. We had to re-schedule, and i forgot the bucket full of corn. So it is soaking since october 13! Should i take it to the garbage and prepare a new bucket, or boil that same corn? I prepare my own particles (corn, wheat, hemp seed, bird food) respecting the preparation guide posted by yonny, but never leaved it for so much time, and i don't know if the quality of it can be compromised.
  24. Hello everyone! Looking for new lines for my reels, found that Shimano Aero Specimen Line 18lb @ 5£. Never used it. Did anyone used it? any opinion about it? other recommendations?
  25. I think there no problem mixing diferent bait, i do it too but with a slighly diference... I don't mix diferents types of boilies. My recipes takes some wheat, hemp, bird food, a bit of sweet corn, some pellets (various sizes) and boilies (a bit of crumble + chopped boilies), but just with one type of boilies. I do it to try the boilies, and always fish with the same boilies i baited. In long sessions (24hr or more) I would mix more than one type of boilies just to try to see what boilies work better in that water. Add chopped boiles and a bit of crumble of 2 or 3 different boilies to the mix, bait an area and cast to there, trying one diferent boilie on one different rod.
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