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Everything posted by finchey

  1. Something else to add to the never ending shopping list.
  2. Good shout smufter, I used finger nails and teeth last time I knocked some rigs up it was ok but I would imagine a lot easier with one of these tools. I think I will have to get myself one of these.
  3. I used to fish 12 months a year for them, you will get some great sport from them in the summer months but please please give them plenty of recovery time. Don't forget they look hard as nails but they are a very delicate fish. Good luck with your fishing Danny.
  4. I enter all there competitions every month. I just keep an on the website and enter them when they come on, would be rude not too.
  5. Yes I am a very happy bunny mate. I don't know much about these only what I've read online do you know if they are they any good?
  6. I've only gone and won myself a sonic bedchair, sleeping bag and pillow. I don't know if they are any good but can't complain for FREE.
  7. Cheers I shall order myself one of those.
  8. Where did you get your adapter from cloud9. Any links matey.
  9. I got the esp tungsten loaded that was quite easy to strip just used my thumb nail. Brilliant stuff for typing rigs well impressed.
  10. Some good pointers there thanks very much. So thats just what I did I have tyed hair rigs before in mono so I new what lengths I wanted, what hooks I was using and what length hairs I wanted. So just had a play around with different lengths of striping until I got just what I was looking for. So notes now made so next batch I make should be more straightforward. Thanks Yonny and B.C
  11. Do you strip the full hair or the section above the hook?
  12. Another nooby question as regards to striping the coating on the coated braid. I'm trying some nice and basic hair rigs size 6 hooks, how much of the coating do you strip off.
  13. My mistake teach me for not reading properly. I only read the first part of the description and it said sold separately.
  14. I don't know if I'm being a bit slow here or what but I've clicked on your link for mcf tackle but I can't seem to find any prices. Am I being a bit thick or what?
  15. Good luck mate. Hope you get a pull or two after spending the time prepping your swims. Hope the fishing gods are on your side.
  16. What a stunning looking fella. So sorry to hear about your sad loss. I can only imagine how gut wrenching it must of felt.
  17. It is a brolly system I'm after. I suppose it's a question of which is the best for all year round use. Having a bivvy and a brolly isn't really a choice for me so I'll spend some time and a bit more research before I part with my cash. Thank for opinion yonny much appreciated.
  18. Hi yonny. Been having a look at these they do look smart. My Nash 60" oval is on it last legs so I was thinking about one of these. But I was wondering have you used yours in the winter or just the summer. If you haven't used in the winter in your opinion would you say it was suitable for winter use or more of a summer shelter. I don't fish in storm conditions but I do fish in strong winds and heavy rain. Thanks Keith.
  19. finchey

    Some of mine

    You've got a house full and it looks like they like there homely comforts.
  20. I don't know for sure but i read somewhere, l think it was another forum but I can't for the life me remember were because I read that much on the net I forget were I see stuff. But I do remember reading that the old pond is a private syndicate of 5 friends of the owner of the house you can see from the road. The larger lakes on the other side of the road is private no fishing at all. Many years ago it used to be on the Wigan ticket I do remember that as a kid. I think I may of seen it on the maggot drowners forum. Have a look on there mate you might find out more information.
  21. George is a lovely looking dog and he sounds like the perfect fishing conpanyon.
  22. I just wish I could take Flint with me when I go fishing but to be honest he's 5 years old but he's a typical Springer he thinks he is still a pup. He's mad as a hatter he car'nt sit still for longer than 2 minutes and if he's near water then there's no chance of keeping him out of it. I don't think I'd be very popular with other angler's with him running around diving in the lake every chance he got.
  23. Cheers yonny, I'll give it a blast my brolly has never been treated and it's 15+ years old. I think it might be ready. Saying that it's never let me down.
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