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Everything posted by bluelabel

  1. What about the stoves that were mentioned on here a while back that were twice the price if they had a Trakker logo... there's lots of camping stuff that gets ripped off by tackle manufacturers and a hefty premium added to the price... swings and roundabouts Yonny... swings and roundabouts...👍😎
  2. deffo.... one shining example is the Korda Tackle bank... £25 if you buy Saint Danny's offering... £12.50 if you buy the NGT one... and they are almost identical... not having a pop at Korda, they charge what they think folk'll pay... but why pay double the price for the same bit of kit???? a lot of gear is made to catch the angler not fish... NGT do a good mix of good and not so good gear... sort the junk out and you'll find some good bargains that'll last years... Caveat Emptor
  3. looks nice... where was that...?
  4. My day kit comprises of a Korum compact ruckie, Korum speed mat and chub chair, (or my Avid Transit super- Lo) bait bag, quiver with 2 carp rods/reels, net, shelter and sling... Everything that I need goes into or onto the ruckie and quiver... I even get a flask and a sarnie in my bait bag as well as me bait... gotta say if I'm doing a night or longer I'll use a barrow, as I only have one bedchair and a Nash wideboy ain't fer carrying if you are the wrong side of 60😎
  5. Have a look at the Korum compact rucksacks... some chairs clip onto the ruckie.... the chub does and so does their Korum square leg chair and their ultra lite Aeronium (I have a square leg chair it's not too light as it's got loads of preston attachments on it but on its own it's okay... (Just found that the JRC X-Lite chair also clips onto the Korum Ruckies)
  6. Give it a couple of weeks and Angling Direct will put in a bid for it👎
  7. Heh.... went out to Ashlyns on Sunday and the two lads I was with both had barrows.... I rolled up pulled my kit out of the car (two rods and brolly, ruckie and food and bait bag with Avid lo-chair on top, and I was on the water before they had loaded the barrows up I was two thirds of the way through setting up when they arrived... Lightweight, mobile, small kit is the way forward chaps👍 (Still blanked me bum off though🤣😛😎)
  8. Sorry Basha's... https://www.army-surplus.co.uk/cooking-sleeping/sleeping/bashas-hammocks Great for summer overnighters... if I was in me yoof instead o me dotage, I'd have one
  9. You can get ex army Basho's too... set the bedchair up underneath
  10. Tip # 3,990.... take a look at your lead pouch.... how many do you actually need....??? I took mine out of my rucky weighed it and it went nearly 7lbs😲 took most of em out... I have a 2 rod setup and I have 3 leads each of 1oz 1.5oz 2oz and 2.5oz... and that's it (a few .5 and .75oz bombs too) Much smaller pouch too.. one of the little Advanta ones, (more room for bait or lunch☺️) Tip #3,991 buy a MUCH smaller rucky not a carryall... the rucky will leave both hands free and if the bag is smaller you WILL cut your gear down to suit... kinda justifies buying the smaller rucky then...👍 Tip #3,992 buy a Korum mat they are well padded big enough for a 30lb carp and small enough to clip to the Korum small system rucksack
  11. https://www.amazon.co.uk/NGT-XPR-TERMINAL-TACKLE-BOX/dp/B07FCV3K6H/ref=asc_df_B07FCV3K6H/?tag=bingshoppinga-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid={creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583726541669679&psc=1 Spot the difference... other than the price... wish I'd seen this before I saw the Korda version
  12. Never had an issue with mine.. I tend to use the Korum more than my Nash Scope ops
  13. Yup... crackin bit o kit... but heres the kicker... NGT make one for at least half the price and its virtually identical
  14. or there's this one... slightly taller but along the same lines https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/sonik-sk-tek-folding-chair-compact?msclkid=6600ab6d864f1db6df5df731e0f56b3c&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Bing Shopping&utm_term=1103400093193&utm_content=All Products
  15. Avid transit lo chair I think its called... comes in a slip case https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=youtube+avid+transit+low+chair&view=detail&mid=6796A8D6A75C07956EA96796A8D6A75C07956EA9&FORM=VIRE
  16. I am in this boat now.. at 60 my body won't let my head do what it wants to do... I'm going to have to start buying ready tied rigs as my eyes won't let me see properly to tie my own... its taken over 2 hours to tie 5 rigs for maggots😭 As you get older comfort is needed and finding that comfort is hard work (and expensive)😭
  17. I have a JRC x lite chair and the Avid lo... and oddly enough, the Avid causes me less probs than the X lite, which kills my back... I've mastered "The Roll Out" of the Avid and wobble upright... (eventually) With the ultralite kit... a lot of our banks are stepped, so I can park me 'Arris on a mat and sit quite upright... I can't do it everywhere though... I think either Avid or Sonik do a chair along the same lines as the Avid but taller and more upright.. I may investigate that... Chairs are a bit funny really... What may seem comfy in a quick sit down in the shop could be blooming purgatory for 8 hours on a bankside.
  18. Lightweight kit.... (or should read small and portable... ???) Pair of 9' Nash 2.75lb Dwarfs pair of Shimano Aero x 4000 Bautrunners JRC 2pce landing net handle and 42'net (slips neatly into the Dwarf 2 rod case) Korum small Rucksack with Korum Carp Cradle clipped to it Korum Fibershield 50" brolly or Nash Scope Ops ( folds up small and clips onto the Nash Dwarf 2 rod holdall) Avid Transit Lo chair and a Daiwa Infinity bait bag (lo-chair fits on top and between the handles of the Infinity bag leaving a hand free for gates or clambering over stiles) all of this fits into the boot of my car without dropping any of the seats down and stays totally out of sight at all times Ultra lightweight kit... 1 8' Sharpes Split cane stalking rod, 4" Centerpin reel Landing net and handle Bait bucket and baccy tin with a couple of hooks and a small ball of plasticine Brolly if its raining, do without if its not, sit onna grass if it's not raining sit on an unhooking mat if it is...
  19. I have no problem with rules... What annoys me is when folks blatantly flout them... Or ... They are not policed... Too many times I see a bailiff wander round take the money and disappear into his/her hut and not check rigs etc... If you are gonna have a boardfull of rules, at least have the decency to ensure they are adhered to.. This would at least give them validity and deter future rule breaking as word gets around....
  20. Hope you like weed... there's plenty of it there
  21. Day sessions for me nowadays... was a time that a week wasn't long enough... last long session I did was last March... a week on Redmire... damn near killed me... my back isn't up to a long night in a bedchair (collapsed discs) these days and at 60 years old my knee's (osteo arthritis) are not up to lugging loads of gear for a long session, so about 8-10 hours sees me totally cream crackered and laid up for a day or to to recover... god help me if I do a club match, the amount of gear you need for that is making me seriously question my sanity and that's only for 5 hours😲
  22. Went out yesterday for a Perch or two... caught about a dozen, none bigger than my hand... gave my newly rebuilt Allcocks Wizard a christening along with a Young's Ambidex... floatfished maggot and worm... nowt big but good fun anyway... Happy New Year to all on the Carp Forum
  23. I think I'd be inclined to fish a pop up on a 5-8" hooklength straight off the lead... or a naked chod on a longer than usual hooklink
  24. Will keep an eye out for that... bet it would be a good additive grated into a spod mix...!
  25. My first fish on cane and pin... a cute little Wildie.... The rod is my MkIV (pre-rebuild) and the reel is an Allcock's Arielite (circa 1937)
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