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Everything posted by David_gravesend

  1. Another vote for the lo pro, perfect for 1 or 2 nights
  2. Stay well clear of elphicks and orchard place so many fantastic waters, mid Kent fisheries are a good shout but more or less every club will offer a water that is both a challenge but the rewards are there. you also have the Medway which is free either side of the town centre stretch, probably one of the most underrated carp fisheries going, some absolute gems in there
  3. Drennan super specialist, fits nicely on my 10ft dwarf holdall
  4. I think a lot of people are more concerned about their bobbins looking good bankside than the reasons they are using those bobbins. I mainly use 2 types, a set of Fox slik bobbins in the main and a set of fox euro swingers for longer range stuff when I want to tension the line. Nothing fancy but they do the job I want them too
  5. Unfortunately monster munch have not bettered their 2004 vanilla flavour release other than that beef all the way
  6. I have one of these https://www.totalfishinggear.co.uk/buy.cfm/beds/tf-gear-flat-out-bedchair/39/no/113849 can be a bit bulky but that’s outweighed by the comfort, absolutely superb
  7. I have 2 10ft dwarfs 2.75tc they have served me well so far and have also come in handy on the river for a bit of barbel fishing
  8. I have a pair of cork handled 101s, 50 quid each at the time on a water where I needed something with a bit of a backbone. They are fantastic for the money, highly recommended. It really is amazing how much did you can now get for your money in the 50-100 bracket
  9. https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/vass-r-boot have a look at these as well, best thermal boots I’ve owned by far
  10. I use yellow fox black label ones, touch wood been fine for a year now
  11. Use both the semi stiff and soft, top drawer
  12. Is that the kastking stuff? Makes quite good spod ding braid as it floats I don't think you can soak it in anything but I see from another post you've switched from mono to braid because you're getting cut off snag fishing, ever thought about using a mono snag leader instead? Braid as a mainline is so unforgiving
  13. Double handles, just can't get on with them...
  14. Seconded for the esp lo pro
  15. Bucket hat, you forgot the bucket hat!
  16. Berkley big game in green, once you get past the initial springiness of the line it's been a joy to use.
  17. Another vote for the tungsten loaded from esp, miles ahead of alternatives
  18. I wouldn't go with them for rods but I've got bits of luggage from them and they are fine
  19. Nash siren s5 i have the r3s but a friend has the s5 and they are indestructible
  20. Big shout for the c101s from wychwood, might be worth finding somewhere that does the 2.5 tc by the sounds of what you want them for
  21. Wychwood c101s 50 quid a pop
  22. That was on and off. That club has some cracking smaller waters that are with checking out!
  23. Had a ticket and fished the place for 3 seasons for 2 fish, admittedly fished on and off. Put the hours in and you'll catch but not for the feint hearted and some proper lumps in there.
  24. I use them, only had 2 outings since they were purchased but so far they are fantastic. So much better build quality than Delkims and definitely on a par with the equivalent fox alarms
  25. Both Korda and fox do naked line heli set ups
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