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  1. Today
  2. Try running around Linear fisheries in padded salopettes, jacket wellies and carrying two buckets to hopefully find two decent swims 😏…but joking aside fair play to you for keeping fit 👍
  3. That looks like the one. Thanks. I actually popped into Gladwells today and completely forgot to look. I was more concerned with picking up mixed pellets and a sack of hemp.
  4. Is it this muesli mix? https://www.skinners.co.uk/product/muesli-mix/?_gl=1*tyh59t*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnSEUhHZN4M5OrSBOyxzjo2DtpzVAia-DNEMXNltS1xopqKp6OjxU0waAiQ0EALw_wcB The orange one is now a biscuit I think.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Dream session https://www.anglingtimes.co.uk/news/stories/common-carp-1oz-short-of-the-british-record-banked/
  7. Another 5k done this morning, not too bad this running lark 😁😁
  8. Big Blues? Shimano Big Blue Baitrunner M Apparently the best carp fishing casting reel ever made for long distance casting as decided in tests by Lee Jackson and Paul Forward. Prices on ebay for them are anything between £140 and £355 at the moment.
  9. Skinners do some dog foods very close to Vitalin. The one to look out for was Skinners Field and Trial in an orange bag, but annoyingly they have changed their packaging. It is very rich in molasses so sticky. Other than that, try a mix of rolled maize, rolled oats, Layers mash and a ground dry dog food.
  10. It was always there this set, it was/is my lads....something we can use together....but it also needs to catch a fish as he's had it now nearly 18month and nothing caught yet.
  11. Last week
  12. 3 packs of J precision lg's size 5 barbed and a barbless. Korda mini crimp tool and small krimps. Cc Moore milk n nut crush pva bag mix. And a hooky x spod off ebay 🙄
  13. Change only for so far 👍welcome back matey.
  14. I fish for carp in the USA (using UK-Style gear/rigs/bait/tactics/etc..). Wondering if anyone can offer suggestions on how to avoid (stop) turtles of any kind, from ruining my sessions? I only started focusing on carp last year, so I still have much to learn, and I have tried fake corn and tiger nuts (soaked in hot sauce), but that’s not working this season for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated👍 Thanks so much - Joe
  15. I use a catchx pro bait boat with a fish finder and it will scan the area selected. Once the scanning is finished, the fish spots will be marked on the screen!
  16. https://millbryhill.co.uk/products/mmf-micronized-mixed-flakes Something like this would make a good base.
  17. This is the original ingredients, I would have a look and see what ingredients you can find from this list and make your own, you could maybe add some groundbait or whatever to help it bind if required. And just add some other goodies too to make it unique.
  18. Do zig caught fish get altitude sickness or the bends? Maybe he needs to change his hook for a snorkel 😂
  19. Go onto Ebay and look at item number 334778194103. There's a guy selling original format Vitalin in various sized bags, to suit your needs. Hope this helps. Ian.
  20. Hi all, can't seem to get vitalin anymore, think it's discontinued, is there a substitute to make into balls for baiting up without a spomb,or can it be copied , ingredients wise.cheers.
  21. If only you could land the fish on zigs though 😁
  22. Chod rigs work well for me fishing on top of the weed, im not worried about fishing the chod 3,4,5ft up the leader with a light lead. That lead will plug in the weed and become a lot heavier, itll also drop off easier. I use the C clip way of attaching them. If I find clearer spots then drop off run rigs as per usual for me. Strong line and if a fish gets weeded just keep constant pressure with the rod as high as possible. I have always found the fish start moving, it might be millimetres at a time but theyll come. Last resort is putting the rod back and slackening off a bit imo. I have just started using braid so cant say it's better or not but all of the above has worked fine for me with heavy mono lines.
  23. its as smooth as silk the BMW N54 3l straight 6 is a joy. GEt her serviced and enjoy those greenlanes (and twisties) again.
  24. It's a brilliant feeling. Didn't think if anything else whilst out on my bike. Just me, my bike, n the open mountain
  25. Very nice. As the saying goes "boys don't grow up, they're toys just get more expensive" 🤣. You know it runs well when you can stand a coin on the engine at idle lol. I've not ridden/ competed since COVID came along. Should really get it out n give it a service. Trouble is having the time to do both so it's fish n not ride
  26. 😄 you will be surprised, if your legs are strong enough you could get there on it. Seriously though, if it is something you are interested in then bite the bullet and go. there is nothing else like it in the world.
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