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Kingston Pools Warwick (Carp Pool)


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I've never fished there but was doing some work at Aston Martin just up the road earlier this year and went for a good look around the pools.

What a cracking place, it's so quiet you can hear the silence. The write up in Fisheries co uk is excellent but, in my opinion, the place is even better than they say.

I shall certainly be fishing there in the future.



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ok just been for a walk around kingston and the place looks like a good place to fish, the first lake is on average 5 ft deep with a gulley going right through the middle of it which goes to 8 ft deep. the other lake I like the look of is on average 3 ft deep has lots of reeds snags and lilly pads so my question is do I fish the 1st one and find the gully or do I fish the 2nd one?


opinions please

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  • 7 months later...

personally i wouldnt bother with either of those pools, the website is false advertising, i fished there for years and the fish he says are there simply aint there, its full of 3lb carp all with red spots on them, however i havn't fished it recently and told the fish in meadow pool do exist but not quite as big as advertised.

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Meadow Pool has plenty of good doubles and a few 20's.


I've only fished it once in May and had 4 doubles in a 6hr session


I met 2 lads who fish it regularly, they had 14 doubles in 24 hrs.


Have a look at the attached link - all the daytime shots of the 2 younger lads and the fella with the beard are from Meadow pool.



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i've not fished meadow myself but i know they don't go to 28lb as the owner says, but i do know the reed pool and carp pool don't have fish over 20lb let alone a 30 which is what the guy is advertising, if you have a look at the pics on the board in the fishery you will see what i mean.

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do any of the fisheries that advertise on fisheries.co.uk actually hold the fish that they claim . i dont think they do.

i could dig a hole in a feild and advertise i have big fish , and people will come and fish it. even tho they wont catch a fish , most anglers put it down to something or other , never do we think maybe thre is no fish .

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  • 3 years later...

I night fished the Meadow Pool last year, it was awful, the lake was overflowing on the far bank because it had sprung a leak which the owner had tried unsuccesfully to plug by dumping a couple of tons of soil in against it!

The fish are poor quality but by far the worst experience was around midnight, a group of six or seven lads, taking a short cut back from god knows where, all swigging cans, came right round the lake up to our bivvies to see what we were up to. OK they weren't up to no good but it shows there isn't any security, if they had wanted to they could have had all our gear, there was only me and my mate there that night. Certainly put me on edge for the rest of the night, didn't sleep a wink after that. :shock:

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