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i have tried using semi fixed leads and have vever caught a fish on one, so i have only used running rigs and these tend to get tangled!

can anyone tell me why i dont catch on bolt?

i have been using a 8 inch hook lench size 8 hook and a 2oz lead.


thanks tom


for a bolt rig to work effectivly you need to use a big lead, 3oz+ idealy, if you are not hooking fish with this then the most likly thing that is happening is that the fish are sucking and blowing the bait without getting hooked. To stop this a very sharp hook and a short hooklink (4-5inchs) should sort it out!


you will find that you start catching lots more fish if you do start tying your own. And it is more of an achievement when you catch a fish.:)



im not sure your catch more but its cheaper to make your own :wink:


when u tie ur own try a shorter link 4-5 inch and as said a bit stiffer would go down a treat or you could try a heli rig/chod rig these are sensitive as it pulls the rig before the lead


im not sure your catch more but its cheaper to make your own :wink:


I would say that you catch more carp by making your own rigs for sure. You can play around with the length, different hook link materials and experiment to find better hook holds. Also you can match the rig to match the situation.:)


use a bigger lead is the main answer, try using a stiff hooklink so the fish comes straight into contact with the lead. also try shortening the hooklink (some of mine are just 1 or 2 inches long), this helps to eliminate the hooklink from looping - which gives the fish more room to shake the hook before it hits the lead.

Basically, you want the fish to come into contact with a heavy lead as soon as it picks up the bait. If it doesn't it is possible for the fish to sense the hook and shake it out, if the fish 'hits the lead' it will set the hook and the fish will bolt off.


If your hooklink is tangling,and I`m assuming you`re using a soft braid then try coating it in Kryston Super Stiff gel,that way it will not be supple when you cast it out but on contact with the water the gel will desolve and the link will revert back to its original state and won`t be tangled.


I use Braid for the majority of my Hooklengths and don't suffer tangles. The Braid I use is Kryston Merlin or BFA Deception.

Are you sure your tangles are on the cast or as you retrieve the line? You may find as braid is so supple it just falls in a coil around the lead, and it tangles as you reel in.

Make sure the length of tubing you use is about 10centimetres longer than your hooklength. On the swivel to the hooklength cover the knot with about a centimetre of tubing, either silicone tubing or shrink tubing. This will push the hooklength away from the mainline. Also use a stringer, this helps to keep the hooklength away as well.

The Superstiff coating Mick recommends is another great way of creating a Concertina effect, almost an extending hooklength.


mate ive had the same problem, the esp stuff is good but cannot hold up to large hard lakes. I used to loose leads just catsing with the esp bolt clips. USE KORDA! buy a korda lead clip pack 4 £5 u get tail rubbers clips n tubing all good stuff. as for hooklink use the korda hybrid hooklink its the stiffest there is!. use a heaver lead aswell mate 3oz much better hookin potential. ure hooklinks shud be 4-5 inches long and as advice id say use korda longshank x hooks, all together uve got the best rig there is. use heat shrink tubing on ure hooklinks aswell it increases hookin potential. All these put together a great chance of hooking fish, as u may have fish feedin on ure bait and ejectin it without any sign on the bite alarms! use this advise n i guarantee more catches as 4 tangles the bore tubing and the stiff braid will prevent this :D

tight lines


i would like to make my own rigs but when i make them i am never confident they will hold up when a fish is on! does anyone know a good effective hooklenth but easy and reliable??



I use Kryston end Tackle for my Braids. Try one of their Super Braids, like the SuperMantis, SnakeBite or SnakeSkin.


You can remove the outer coating to give you a supple inner that is very soft and supple. If you leave a length of the outer coating further up , you also have a fairly tangle free rig.

Tie an loop Overhand knot in the end of the Braid and then attach your hook via the Knotless Knot. Attach to the swivel with either a Uni, Grinner or Palomar Knot.


If you are not sure of your knots practice until you get it right.

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