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iv been trying to get a pic to this site but i cant its not a blag as iv sed before,, :evil: so i will try and explain it to you all for this rig you will need size 10s long shank fox armor hook ,korda iq 10lb bs shrink tube 0.5mm ..... tie a 6inch lenth of iq to the hook use a knot that you are happy with put the shrink tube on 10mm in lenth and steam it in to a progresive bend pull the line through the tube using a needle about 3mm from the end so you have a liner/liner , now tie a small loop to another leanth of iq you will need about 4 inches and thread it through the eye of the hook and put your hook bait on the end with the loop on ,leave an inch from the eye ,at the other end do the same and tie a loop , place a bait on this side as well 9 they dont need to be the same bait ,so know you should have what looks like a dumb bell from the eye of the hook , every fish iv caught with this rig has been hooked dead center of the bottom lip the way i fish it is the (mouse trap ) i use 17lb xline as my main line to this i use a flouro leader and a 4oz inline leadthat i have camed up using red builders sand to match the bottom i tighten my main line so the tip of my rod is bent over has much as i can without moving my lead , as soon as the fish move the lead the rod tip springs back and hooks the fish ,because the take is so quick the fish dont know wot has happend to them :D the hook is dead center in the bottom lip wot ever bait the fish pick up the other bait acts like a counter balnce and turns the hook forcing it to fall , if you get my drift ,,,,, :idea:


hard channel/bar in upper left corner looks tasty for one. :lol:


and I do mean upper left corner of lake, before any turd decides to tell me thats a road!!!! :lol::lol::wink:


100_0055.jpg[/img i have had to make the rig like this so you can see it

but dont forget the rig is made with korda iq fox armor long shank hook

but before you start ripping it to bits go and try it out ,it has caught me loads of fish ,i would like to point out the double hair is made with fox snare and not iq like i sed before any braid will do, all i ask is you let me know how you get on with it , the hooking ability is bang on you will c for your self ,i use a small mesh bag on the hook to stop the hairs from tangling so there it is ,,,,,,, any questions :?:


So the idea is that you have 2 hookbaits on?? The fish eats one?? And then the others weight pulls the hook into the fish??


yes mate ,whe you use it and you hook in to a fish just look at the hook position ,its allways in the center of the bottom lip , it can help in other ways to if you use a difrent hook bait on each hair ,im assuming the one near the lip is the one it has picked up so you can mess around with he type of bait and come to your own way of thinking , i have my own thoughts about it and thats why i did it ,its like every thing if you dont try things out you will never know ,

yes mate ,whe you use it and you hook in to a fish just look at the hook position ,its allways in the center of the bottom lip , it can help in other ways to if you use a difrent hook bait on each hair ,im assuming the one near the lip is the one it has picked up so you can mess around with he type of bait and come to your own way of thinking , i have my own thoughts about it and thats why i did it ,its like every thing if you dont try things out you will never know ,


I don't think that the bait near the lip will be able to indicate which bait the Carp picked up. The Hook will position itself in the lip in the fight.


As to the rig's effectiveness, I'm not sure about it.

I know in the past that someone tried the hair in front of the eye, so the bait was positioned in front of the point of the hook.


Don't forget though, if you feed right then the carp will often pick up the most basic rig going.

i totaly agree its no (wonder rig )like i sed in the beging its just nice to make your own stuff and try it out and wen it works thats even better but when it works well its fantastic




You should see the amount I experiment and try things out :wink:


I came up with a Pop-up rig that I think is unique. The weight of the material used to tie the pop-up on was the actual counterbalance to hold it down. :wink: The pics are in the Sticky at the top of the Rig Tying section of the forum.


Strange I didn't use it yesterday while I was playing around on my Runs Water, but I was more concerned with comparing Lead set-ups.


not to detract from your thinking on the mechanics of this rig mate as you are obviously applying thought to it but, as nick said the key is in getting them on the bait and a very basic rig will fool them more often than not then. I think you may be over egging the omelette so to speak, but if its working for you then stick with it, but I would suggest doing a fairly lengthy test by fishing a basic rig alongside it and recording results :wink:

Carp r us do this rig, can only find a pic of this one but they do, do one the same or very similar :wink::wink:






thats like saying a donkys a horse


Just read my above post and it dose sound abit weird so let me say it again.


Carp R Us do a rig that is very nearly the same (mght even be exactly the same) as yours, but i cant find a picture of it, i can only find a picture of the one above, :roll::roll::roll:

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