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Lead core. Good idea or complete rip off??


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:roll: Don't get Nick started on tubing V leadcore, seriously... :lol:




And anyway, leadcore is heavier!

Try weighing one metre of the heavy duty esp anchor tubing and then 1 metre of leadcore and tell me which is heaviest.


Give me a clue :twisted:

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Put it this way Nick it wont be the leadcore :lol: anyway I better not get started on this one as I really hate leadcore with a passion.




I won't argue about the weight of it, cos I actually know. I also know that the Leadcore is thinner than the tubing (may sound obvious I know), but Lead is actually denser than the Tubing.


Like you I'm getting to the stage that I'm worried about Leadcore, although a lot of it is down to irresponsible use and in the wrong hands etc.


Used responsibly I don't think it is a risk, but if there is any risk of it causing damage to Carp and/or creating a Death Rig then it should not be used.

Unfortunately we have magazines advocating its use, and its not always shown in its true use or why. No thought is given onto the rigs or attachments that are safe with it.

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The main problem I see with it and other leaders such as the korda/tfg etc is that set up they seem perfectly safe and will come apart on a line breakage. However in the big bad world that isn't always the case especially if a lot of fine weed such as silkweed is about. This has a tendency to ball up and clog around all rig components, knots etc preventing the rig coming apart as it should. I have seen the results of fish tethered by leadcore on one of my syndicates in the past with the loss of 5 good fish in one year and since then Ive never used it and I never will.

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dont see any benefit in it at all, the weight issue is really not an issue!! tubing is far more versitile,maleable and above all fish friendly, leadcore is just a simple no no for me and should be with far more. :wink:

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The only time i prefer leadcore is with helicopter rigs (or chods), I've used tubing before but on one ocasion had the hooklink swivel sear through both the tubing and the mainline which put me off it forthat rig application. I've tried putting shrink tubing on the last inch of so next to the tail ruber to get around the problem, but then againthe chancesare that it could slip, and it's back to square one.

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