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Unless you're fishing over abrasive materials such as gravel bars , rocks etc i cant see the need for rig tubing . Never used tubing or leaders . Never had the need , and leadcore of course , is just dangerous.

Nothing is better camoflaged than your mainline .

Unless you're fishing over abrasive materials such as gravel bars , rocks etc i cant see the need for rig tubing . Never used tubing or leaders . Never had the need , and leadcore of course , is just dangerous.

Nothing is better camoflaged than your mainline .


What about the added sink weight on Mono ?


Would you add putty or nothing ?


Im going to see the winter out with my fluoro mainline but when i go back to mono in the spring i'll probably use a sinker or two a yard or so behind the hooklink just for a bit of added confidence but imo most decent monos sink ok these days if you have the patience to pay off the line properly and wait for it to sink .

Sometimes it half hour after the cast before i've flipped the bail arm over and set the bobbin .


Back in the day when tubing was all the rage I did a few "tank tests" and saw repeatedly that the tubing lifted up when bubbles of air were trapped inside, and it wasn't as "anti tangle" as it was made out to be either.


I occassionally use non leadcore (I hate leadcore more than I hate facism) leaders such as Avid or the Solar stuff but I use fluoro most of the time now and think (hope) that that's enough.


There is a theory that tubing stops scales being lifted during the fight. To my mind, this is as valid a theory as COG leads, rigs that reset themselves and the tooth fairy.


The most effective anti tangle rigs are stiff or at least mono hooklinks and I would always consider mono for a long chuck.


I'm fishing a couple of venues which require a maximum 50 yard cast and use supple hooklinks 90% of the time (just got some Avid Pindown which looks brilliant) and always use a pva nugget, and / or a three bait stringer or small pva bag- I can't remember the last time I had a hook length tangle.


I've given up using leaders as much as possible, now only for long distance casting, and will still use tubing or go totally naked :wink:


I consider the theory of tubing to 'stop the fish rubbing or catching scales' as absolute rubbish. It may very rarely happen, but it is very rare, and you don't use a leader or tubing when floater or zig rig fishing, so that puts that out as Bones kind of says.


I'm quite happy using mono straight through, just take your time getting the line down and putting indicators on, and no problems

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