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Hi everybody,Im new to carp fishing and would like to know whats sort of line would i need to make pop-up hooklinks? i have bought a few off ebay but they are all braided hooklinks.I am tieing my own rigs and would like to know what you think,all help much appreciated thanx guys the 1carpkid. :D


My own personal view is that pure braid with a pop up isn't the most effective material. Having watched fish deal with it and get away with it numerous times and with ease, I think the flexibility doesn't lend itself too well.


My own preference is to use a hinged stiff link with pop ups. A mini swivel on the shank of the hook is a good alternative to tying a hair.


Hi cobleyn,thanx for the advice mate as i say i am new to this,i have only just learned how to tye a knotless knot lol,i have tyed 1 rig with my 12lb adrenaline mainline size8 barbless hook and put a bit of shrink tube over the hook to make the hook turn quicker as i drag it over my hand,do you think this is o.k. or do you think i should try the one you said if so could you please tell me how to tye it or point me in the right direction?as i said before all help really is much appreciated thank you :D


hi 1carp kid like cobleyn said the hinged stiff link is very affective with pop ups but not the easiest rig to tye if your new to it,the kd rig is also an effective rig and very simple to tye just google it or have a look on the korda website,may i ask why your specically using pop ups,i assume your fishing hi attract singles :D


Hi nevs,yeah am going to use spicy sauage popups that i bought,i also bought kd rigs so i will use them thank youfor your help but the place i fish is only a very small pond and in most places its weedy with small patches of gravel,oh and i am planning to use a stick mix with them.would this work or should i try something else mate cheers 1 carpkid.


its worth a try mate ive had good success using stick mixes,a solid pva bag is also a good approach,if your fishing the harder gravel spots i would keep rigs quite short about 3-4 inches.also the kd rig isnt great if theres to much weed because of the way it sits,hope this helps these are just things ive picked up in my own fishing im far from being an expert and im sure some lads would do it differant,just keep trying things till you find something that works and try to keep it simple :D


going to try and get out sometime this week or weekend if poss,all depends on the weird weather we are having at the minute lol.biggest carp so far on rigs is 6lb not a biggie but i must have done something right lol.on float my biggest is 9 an 1/2.so hope to put some pictures of a double with a bit of luck :lol:


I'm lazy, my standard pop-up rig is braid or coated braid.


I tie a uni knot loop in the end of the hooklink material (coated braid is stripped back approximately one third of its length), put a pop-up in the loop and pull tight. I then attach hook with a knotless knot, and make sure that the bait is very tight to the hookshank. The distance I want the pop-up above the bottom I put a piece of putty on the hooklink. With the coated braid, it is usually where the braid has been stripped to.


Its simple, easy to tie, and it works for me and has done so for a lot of years, but I noticed Cobleyn has different thoughts, so you will have to get confident in an arangement for yourself to see what works best. :wink:


I very rarely put a stringer or pva bag or even stick around a pop-up hookbait, the added accoutrements can drag the hook down into the bottom debris and mask the hookpoint. I may add a stringer to the hooklink swivel, but NEVER the hook itself


thank you saloc,(sorry about the shortening mate but its a bit of a mouthful),I have now seen and read the replies,once again thanks mate i now see what you mean and i am greatful for your time and effort to answer my questions,i do appreciate it mate. :D

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