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androoooo last won the day on July 8 2016

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  1. androoooo


    It's been confirmed today. I haven't fished it in a while but it's a sad state of affairs. In Novemeber/December the pool received a stocking from the CRT from Earlswood engine pool, a lake that I believe in 2008 was deemed to have khv. So i think any survivors may have been immune but carriers of the disease. The posts suggest that the stock that's been affected is the original stock, beautiful old English carp. Which gives further credence to the fact that the moved fish were infected but immune. What's worse, is that some of the locals didn't like the new fish and have on catching from trench, moved them into other local pools, which means the virus and it's impacts could further impact the local waters. I'm still unsure how the original fish movement was signed off, given it was supposedly an authorised movement with all checks done and signed off by the relevant authorities, given the history of the pool they came from.
  2. I'd go with a stringer, you rarely see anyone casting them out. With the multi rig I'd want to check that attaching it doesn't close the loop on the hook when cast out. If it does a hook bead may help keep it in place, or a slither of foam in it. To stop it plugging in the silt, I'd foam the hook and as big common has said maybe add a few to the stringer as well.
  3. Is this the one that took out his third rod, that was maybe 15 yards away? If he'd been fishing with a pod, he wouldn't have had that problem.
  4. Why not contact Nash directly and see if they have spares or can help identify it?
  5. If you're looking at 10 foot rods and on a budget, I bought my brother 2 wychwood extricators in 10 foot. Seem a very good rod when I went for a few days with him.
  6. Looks spot on, the only thing I do different is add a hook bead to hold the loop in place. It's not necessary but gives me confidence the loop hasn't closed on the cast.
  7. I've had two now for a few years and they're great stoves. Have the pre-heat tube and a definite upgrade from the square style referenced. I had one of those before upgrading. You can also buy an adapter which allows you to use the cheap aerosol gas canisters, which means you can run it slightly cheaper in summer when these work at their best.
  8. I've been thinking of getting one of these. What do you make of the bag fixings for the underbags? My worry is that if these weren't well made, they could break in time and leave you with an unusable element on the barrow.
  9. I have one, I'm sure it was on Hutch's and Nige's recommendation. Its a massive step forward on what I had before and is extremely comfortable. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  10. If you have an idea how you're going to fish a venue it can be easy to cut right back, especially for short sessions. When you're unsure and want multiple options depending on conditions and what you see it becomes more difficult. For example when I've gone up the canal I've just pretied some pva bags with a short unleaded leader coming out and simply looped to loop when I got to the swim. I'd make about 10 beforehand letting me fish 4-5 swims, moving every hour. Some local lakes I go to, I will either stalk the fish using particle or floating crust, so simply a loaf of bread, a small bucket of particle and a few rigs in a wallet, a couple of leads in a bag along with a bottle of drink, a little food and then just rods and unhooking gear. Then if on longer sessions I'll have much more variety but will use my car for some of it. I have my main fishing ruck sack and then a smaller one for the more mobile sessions and just add, replace or subtract items to keep gear to a minimum. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  11. 1, Penn Affinity 7000 and Daiwa ss2600 2, 15lb Technium and 12lb GT80 respectively, no leader 3, 80 yards on first as other is small waters and may only be fishing 1 foot out. 4, from half an acre to 27 acres. 5, 12 foot and 9 foot respectively Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  12. If you can find last seasons gear in a decent brand you can often get it at very good prices. I managed to pick up a northface jacket, a puffa style jacket which zips into a waterproof outer coat doing this at a vastly reduced price. It's incredibly warm but also really flexible being able to wear it either as a puffa jacket, a water proof or with both zipped together. Can't remember the exact discount but it was less than 50% vs current seasons style for a similar coat. This was a few years a go and it's still going strong. Once you know the style name a bit of googling and searching websites, normally smaller online independent stores can locate a good deal. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  13. Yonny, these look very similar to my Dymags which I believe are also built on a Harrison blank. It was Terry Edmonds who recommended them to me when I was looking at scopes for pretty much the same reason as SPR. SPR where are you based? I'm in London on Saturday with not much to do in the day as I'm off out at night. I could head over somewhere and bring the rods as they're in my car currently. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  14. No worries mate, know a few other companies probably do similar in heavier test curves where you could get a custom build on a very blank.
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