It's a daft argument this. Not using sticks is simply stubbornly refusing to use a method that is more recent in its creation. The only requirement here is that you can get your line into the clip where it needs to be, and for me, can still do the same if you loose your line marker, ie, have to cut 20 yards off the mainline, etc. You can either walk it up the bank, or you can wrap it around something. That is as far as it goes.
Sticks are better cause they don't mean you have your line sprawled out across the bank, abrasion anyone?, they can be kept close to your swim so you're on your rods, and the distances are exactly repeatable over and over again.
Walking it out is better cause you don't have to use a technique that you first saw on thinking tackle, and you don't need to spend about a tenner on a couple of extra sticks. There are no other benefits above sticks.
Marking the line as well means you can get back into the clip before reeling in if you haven't had a run, so don't need the sticks every time. i like the Nash spot on for this. Little blob on the line, job done.