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Everything posted by travisbickle

  1. most certainly would....and just enough space for some bread too
  2. I tailor make them on the bank....rig boards are just added clutter that I dont want to carry...one very small rig wallet in the top pocket of my quiver...covers EVERY eventuality possible
  3. Tried to get him to post that story but no luck as yet....its a genuine tears and snot moment isnt it mate
  4. It most certainly is......a love or hate relationship
  5. Yes Paul Selman wrote extensively on it in late ish 80s..in carpworld..... thinly veiled under "bamcrill"...along with Bernie Loftus etc
  6. It only helps by it creating a more ideal environment for the crays to be honest Ian...they were prolific amongst all the waters in this string in late 70s through to early 00s...and the fish were benefiting from it via very good weight gains obviously (Chris Balls own words on Big moor were that it equalled Redmire back in those early days).....they were run as good specimen waters up until there was a change in club committee politics....which saw a swing towards match/pleasure anglers...so they cut the salinity in them....killed the crays...dropped the weights on the fish...and increased the biomass.......they are all owned by different clubs now...and its starting to get some of its old appeal back
  7. Yes Ive fished all of the above...had Bully...Lady Penelope and the cricket bat out of big Billinge...many years ago...the harder flash you are thinking of is Crabmill flash...big cats and good sized OLD fish...I live above the flash on the hill so ideally the road needs to stay open ...but they all follow the natural line of the valley(as you know...manmade valley via salt extraction) so they would definately flow into each other...the one possible exception being big moor which is the biggest shame as it would benefit most from upping the salinity again
  8. ...yes sometimes its called that......you know it??
  9. yes when I was fishing the res it would jump by around thirty to fourty acres...getting close to 300 makes it more interesting....but if these three join...well I would imagine around 600/650 acres....now were getting interesting
  10. Been for a walk today along the string of flashes that run behind my cottage....moston through to crabmill and on to micklewrights (mick you know these waters mate)....the dogs were loving it...rolling in shox fit...filthy swines...was mooching over a fence in a fashion(trying to hold the dogs safe and pull the barb down one handed is not advised!!....anyway...by the time I got in view of my late spring/summer cat water for next year... I realised it has grown a touch due to the rains....(we're a fairly marshy area anyway due to all the salt mining and marl excavation that went on over the years...infact thats what caused the flashes to start with and was responsible for the higher salinity of these waters making them ideal for crays...hence BIG weights attained in the fish)...but its gained around eight acres .....now I know about the trent etc but this is not a river...its a lake.....slowly running away down the valley to HOPEFULLY meet up with the ones either end.....now THAT would be a mammoth water worth a good hard slog on it...anyone else seen their stillwaters really hoofing its way onward?? ....now I realise its not ideal for most to see that......but I do hold tickets for all three
  11. Not aimed at an one person....it just has the whiff of "oneupmanship" sometimes..certainly an elitist mentality with some...I probably worded it badly.....as for blazing their own way...the many hundreds of anglers that travel out and fish public access waters would be a start
  12. spot on vid......watched them taking ducklings on crabmill flash...hmmmm..baiting strategy
  13. have to say...it is painfull sometimes just reading the french threads.......you guys seem to want to create problems occasionally!!.....are we not your chosen market??....little wonder more and more are forging ahead and blazing their own trail into europe as a whole.....simple marketing guys food for thought
  14. How about the full sixteen but on a 'watercraft draw"
  15. and me
  16. crackin read so far mate
  17. Rather you than me...classy women
  18. who knows....who would believe it would put on 50lb in 10yrs
  19. Its always been a fair yoyo of a fish Theo. .....Nice to see DF cant cash in on it ...Aqua get the mention
  20. cheers, Norfolk and Suffolk a touch far for me to be going on a regular weekly basis though...thanks anyway
  21. cracking stuff mate...thats more like it...Theo...fuel may be an issue..four litres of v8 with holley carbs....does not make for cheap running...avg 15mpg...but hell its fun..and fast!
  22. ...maybe for a few days...but its not this anglers idea of paradise ....will keep trawling through clubs etc to see what I can track down....just want pretty ornamentals upto around 25lb pluswithout any noddys...or chavs....not asking much
  23. ...oh Neil...come on...koi......are you really going to use that......good mate....and I will continue too...being WELL travelled and managed to still retain my english identity!! Yes mate it was a fish I had considered having a go for a few years back when I had a mate that fished Attenborough (idea being to mix and match between them)....Im thinking more ornamental though if Im honest....ogen etc
  24. Unless you have traveled the world Del Boy! xxx more to the world than asia....much more.....maybe you picked up their knack for a blinkered view and arrogance whilst you were in HK.......as for the noddy pic...????....can only imagine that was just you signing off??
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