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Everything posted by ianain

  1. Is that my imagination, or, does the fuel pipe go over the burner? I'm used to proper fires, wood and witches
  2. Being the numbnuts I am, is it petrol (unleaded); it states coleman fuel
  3. I found "Yuk" applied to a potential manager funny, lucky I wasn't drinking at the time
  4. Very true stevo, I'm not saying no one should defend, I'm saying they shouldn't only defend with 9 defenders, 1 goalie and 1 striker. It makes for boring and pointless football. I'm just saying, tis all
  5. Very true and well put, will add that the game also needs to be entertaining, not defending the goal and hoping for a counter attack.
  6. The ref was on the side of the home crowd, that didn't help. Liverpool lacked something?
  7. How many warnings you've won. Breaking the rules etc.. I think the mods generally correct most infractions and send a polite notice.
  8. It does that to make you think twice about your posts
  9. With numb and slimy hands it's a job
  10. I've got pictures like that on my phone
  11. I'm in Northants, can't be that far away I think nail hit on head mate ?
  12. The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray! Lovely and warm out there when the wind bogs off.
  13. I'm not knocking those who have trouble tying them, I've bought a big magnifier lamp thing with a light on it.
  14. Mines the one with the tractor out front Not saying what colour though
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