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Everything posted by mick1396

  1. We went back in August,no matter m8 we had a good time fishing for silvers and the like,gotta say tho it`s a nice part of the country,some parts more than others.
  2. May be we were right to just do a bit of maggot drowning then. :D :)
  3. Where were you lot when I was asking about carp in the broads???
  4. I think Dave might have a point about the mussels.
  5. It might be worth checking the tip ring to be on the safe side especially if you`ve had the rods a while,as if they`ve got ceramic in them that may have cracked.
  6. Ok cheers m8.
  7. I went up there in the summer and asked the same question,and the replies I got basically said forget the broads for carp as if they are in there they are hard to find,so we just did some maggot drowning,which didn`t turn out too bad,as my some caught a Perch that went almost 2 pound,and as we unhooked it,it spat out a small roach!!It was a cracking fish tho. I also got told to have a look at some of the lakes around there for the Carp,but we didn`t bother in the end,as the maggot drowning was fun in itself,I was suprised at how strong the current runs in parts of the broads tho,but we enjoyed it so much that we are going back next year. Anyone know how expensive that Floating Chines Restaurant in Norwich is,as the food smelt really nice as we went past??
  8. I use the Palomar,and have done for years and never had a problem with it,alto when I tie it I make sure all the loops are well neat before I start to pull it tight and if it`s the slightest bit crinkly I redo it,and have used the line in 10 and 12 lb,the 10 actual breaking strain is 13.62 lb and the 12 is just a smidge under 14.
  9. I use 12 lb Krystonite,but would go heavier if there were snags to worry about.
  10. So it could possibly have rubbed on something and got cut,I`m interested because me and most of my m8s use the same line,and have never had anything like that happen,is the lake a pit or what? wondering if there`s any junk left in there from when it was working if it`s a pit,or flint can be razor sharp.
  11. If it didn`t rub on anything then it must have been a dodgy batch,a "Friday afternoon special".......understand where you`re coming from m8,as a month or so I had a screamer,was playing it for about 10 minutes of so,just got it under control,me m8 had the net ready,then ..........ping,wound in and it turned out that the hooklink had snapped about 3 inches away from the swivel! :confused: brand new freshly tied rig had let me down for no apparent reason,was gutted as it was the only run I had that sesh.
  12. The palomar when tied correctly will give 100% strength and considering it`s such a simple knot that ain`t bad.
  13. mick1396

    rig putty

    That`s what the internet is for!! :rolleyes:
  14. mick1396

    rig putty

    Kryston is about the best one,IMO.
  15. The advantage with Super Stiff is that it`s water soluble,so once in the water your hooklink goes back to how it is meant to be.
  16. Give the super stiff a go,it`s pretty good,I use it quite alot and it solves the problem.
  17. Just use a normal standard semi fixed or running rig if it`s just a small patch,what rig do you normally use??
  18. Go with the Palomar m8,to tie it you make a loop then thread thru the eye,tie a granny knot BUT before you pull it tight you pas the swivel back thru the loop,make sure the line is wet and tighten down slowly,making sure it`s nice and neat,when tied correctly this knot is rated at 100% strength.
  19. Ready tied rigs,what a waste of money.
  20. Same here. :rolleyes:
  21. Try the Palomar it`s about the easiest to tie,do a search on here or a google search and that will give you instructions on how it`s done.
  22. Another way is to coat the hooklink with Superstiff so that it don`t tangle on the cast and when its in the water the stuff dissolves and your rig is back to normal.
  23. Dunno I`ve got a few of them but can`t remember seeing it there. :confused: now we`ve done it,it`ll drive us mad now!
  24. Yeh! :rolleyes: I know it`s an old book but I remember when it came out all the secret squirrel went mad,well on my waters anyway,but all of us beginners at the time loved it coz it blew the lid off it all,and some of those bait recipes that are in there I reckon would still be good today.
  25. In that case I don`t know,maybe it was a later edition or a different book? or was it a mag article? I`m curious now.
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