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Everything posted by pearbo

  1. If or when they allow live baits again for the cats fish one 6 inches below the surface. The method is devastating for the bream. fish away from the island for the carp. Oldman lost one that was easily 30 last year from the deep water. Got waveney valley downt the road too.
  2. Have you tried swangy, Try and avoid the bream with BIIIIG baits. Gets busy in the Summer though. Cats are good fun too.
  3. was thinking, go down sunday late morning/early afternoon (time for walk around) then fish till tuesday.
  4. That'll do..... Well the old man isnt much of a night fisherman so we intend to go when it gets a bit warmer. Thinking aroung end of april, early may. Be my first 48 hour for a long time
  5. Seen quiet a bit of the brasenose lakes from watching sky. Although thinking tackle seem to have gone linear crazy this series. I personally Fancy brasenose 1. Im traveling for about 3 hours to get there. I know that brasenose doesnt have the biggest fish but after a long drive i want to make sure i bank a few. In reality im happy catching a few 20s. The recent carp champs was there and there were a few nice ones that i wouldnt mind.
  6. i know its expensive but i just fancy going somewhere a bit different, with the chance of a 30. I fish Bluebell occasionally and thats just as dear and its hard work so what the hell. Gonna go midweek so hopefully get a swim.
  7. Just out of interest is linear barbless only? Thinking of giving it a go next year and can't find anything on the pretty substantial website.
  8. think id want 2 acres to myself. Then again if it was 10 acres id still want it for myself..... There is nothing worse than having too many swims. As soon as you catch a fish there are more bombs landing in my swim than hit London during the blitz. A lot of commercial carpers are tools
  9. It's brainwashing at it's most basic level.
  10. I read that too. Its just a load of drivle realy. For years its been pop up and balanced baits (which i do use to reasonable effect) and they just needed something new. Some of the rigs in Advanced Carp Fishing (i do subscribe, more for reading the stories) are just mind blowing. What on earth made them come up with them? Why did they do it? They must get a hell of a lot more time on the bank than i do. Then again they haven't got in contact with me to write about my 5 inch braided knotless knot with a single piece of pink corn, balanced corn that is . Don't think it would make good reading month after month. I haven't read the article yet but the flouro rig that some bloke twists, knots and cuts off looks bizzare.
  11. Done last friday night and had 5 bream. I fish the method so maybe to be expected but ive had so many carp on it i dont use anything else. Two other fish came out in the night. One off the island the other out of peg 2 i think. I was in 29. Fished it about 6 weeks ago from the old car park end and had a 20lb 4oz mirror smacked out as far as i could put a 5oz method ball (about 90 yards). A lot of fish were moving infront of 28,29 and 30 that time but it was dead last week. All the fish seem to get caught at night, not like back in the day, its bloomin hard work now.
  12. did u ever give it a go? going back in a couple of weeks.
  13. done 24 hours on Mallard 3 weeksish ago and had 4 up to 15lb. Mate had one run and lost it. Fished shop end on road side fishing up to the very prominant weed about half way out. Spombed a load of pellet out and fished the method with pink corn over the top. Didnt see another fish come out while i was there. Had one on third rod just over the drop off during the night, all the rest came in daylight. Infact the first run took about 15 mins which was a bit of a shock. There were some big gaps between runs though so its not as if i kept them in the swim. Think if i had another go id stick more bait out straight away rather than 4 hours into the session and top it up with more after each run. Tried a choddy where thay were jumping on far bank but nothing so stuck it out with corn etc and it paid off.
  14. Bradmoor is the swafham angling club water. 35 qiud a year for days and 70 for night. Runs june till end of may. Just got home from a couple of hours. Only a little mirror to show for it though.
  15. Had 28 out of bradmoor this year. done a handfull of nights and short sessions. Nothing huge but had em up to 18lb. Had one at 20lb 4oz from catch 22 last Friday. Probably more luck than skill as there were a couple of lads next to us that had been there 5 days for nothing. Fished Swangy and got breamed out. No cats (blamed the temporary live bait ban). The old man lost a big common at the net that was every bit a 30. The rod followed the hooklink as it flew past my ear whilst on the net. Couple of fun trips down dents, Only up to about 17lb tho. But when it is coupled with 25 other fish it is fun. Going to a lake out a Gedney Hill tomorrow, has got 5 30s in apparently. Had em out to 19lb but hoping for a weekend monster. We shall see.
  16. Use kd all the time with the covert wide gape talon tips from gardner. Getting good hook holds and few losses.
  17. I always use a 2oz inline then wrap the paste around. Leads are a third of the price of feeders so no worries about loosing one or two in the islands. Another bonus is that the swivel pushes into the bottom to create a bolt rig. Use a 4 inch braid link, break off the bottom of the ball and fold rig in, reform ball and pull hook until 1 inch of rig hangs out. No tangles, no worries.
  18. you've got loads. Catch 22 - Havn't fished it in a while Swangy - Going next Sunday for the night. Waveny Valley Bradmoor on a season ticket
  19. There are carp in ten mile, and the cut off channel. Chub and barbel on the other hand.....id say either the Nottingham Trent or dents
  20. Ammusing....
  21. The method (carp pellet) in lake one as close to the far margin as you can (baitboat preferably) Sit on your rods and hit and hold.
  22. saw a 20 come out 8 or so years ago. 99.9% of fish were about a pound
  23. Woodlakes possibly (i would do the specimen lake rather than the cabin lake) Nar valley (had a few out of there) . Dents farm shop if you're very lucky (what good fish you might hook like the reeds). Bradmoor is a steal at 35 quid a year (70 for nights). lots of low 20s, good handful of high 20s and probably 3 30s. Never fished willowcroft but had a look last month. Spent 3 days reading the biblical rules list then decided not for me. Bluebell is only the other side of peterborough. Fendicks is made to look hard by everyone ive seen down there. As for an abundance of 20s, i think not. I thought someone was taking the mick when i turned up to look at iit. its tiny. Swangy out at attleborough, plus you've got the cats which are a laugh. Catch 22 at lyng elsing. Full of big fish.
  24. Must admit i live up the road and have never heard of the catfish lake. Nar valley has catfish in (no day tickets, but no problem getting a season ticket).
  25. pearbo

    Ashima Hooks

    Think i read something about these a while ago. Something about them getting a new uk distributor and coming back on to the shelves
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