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Everything posted by penker

  1. Fish the open water mate, and the margins, ignore all obvious features as they get hammered! Just looking back at my log book I've had 43 fish in the last 8 sessions on there, I had the big common on Christmas eve out of there down the margin
  2. How have you been fishing it? Will probably be easier to tell you what your doing wrong then how to fish it?
  3. So you were prepared to lose fish In a sense, (something you had confidence in) because someone from ESP who used leadcore didn't agree with what you were saying ? That's abit silly if you ask me
  4. I live across the road from it mate, It's not reay worth fishing tbh, 1 30 that comes out like 8 times a year and maybe a handfull of 20s ! The car park is safe and te locals will be fine with you, you wot have no probs! The lamb own it but it is also day ticket get a lamb ticket and you can night fish on there! Cheers Joe
  5. dave the owner?........ Ran by baz griffis mate...?
  6. 100% worth joining! nice looking lake , lots of 20s! Perfectly secure! Have you permission to look around mate as you'll need a key!? If not PM me
  7. RSPB own them big fine if your caught fishing them. Only there for the bird watchers;) Couple fish in them
  8. totally agree they haven't got a clue down there!
  9. cuttle mill ? Most waters do mate... bit of simple research and youll find out Have a word with Fosters tackle shop and they'll sort you out
  10. I feel exactly the same as you... No one i know has ever had any problems with it!
  11. No red maggot! lmao! i wouldnt even bother fishing there to be honest.
  12. And therein lie 2 problems in themselves The use of leadcore in carp fishing and then the use of that name of manufacturer Leadcore: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=39794 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=38886&highlight=acf http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=47006&highlight=acf I used the "it won't work with leadcore" as there is absolutely no safe reason to use leadcore as a leader in carp fishing Why not? If used in the wrong hands it can be dangerous but so can everything... Tubing.. Leaders etc..... I use it and know alot of people that use it and have had no problems so i dont really think you can say that... I know from reading your posts that you personally dont agree with using it and thats fair enough but its clear from what other people have said that they are just jumping on the "bandwagon" and agreeing with you. ?
  13. I went around june time... I had i think it was about 18 fish with 3 of them being 20s. 26, 24 and 21.....
  14. Bait boats are cheating anyway! In all fairness its a Gawjus place with loveley surrondings.. We travel 3hr to get there and usually stay over for 3 nights and fish every day:) Some nice fish in there just gets fairly busy in the summer months
  15. You really dont need boats on there! . Iv fished there a few times and had them upto 26.8 off the surface.
  16. 15 fish over 15lb. ? There 25 20s in there mate. Quite a fair number above 15lb also. theres 1050 fish in there and the average is around 8-12lb.
  17. Its Kev mate
  18. Theres alot of them "commons" but i still wouldnt say theres LOADS in there... You know i dont fish it but i'd say a fish a session is doing well ?
  19. Loads of carp.. Can walk across them.. How longs a while?
  20. safezone leaders are designed to prevent harm to the fish once hooked, mainline without tubing (in certain situations like the line being wrapped around the carp) will take scales off of a carp and damage the fish, braided mainline would probably cut a carp in half fish saftey is upmost if your inexperiencced.
  21. Peg 20 on the right hand side, no perticular bait... just boilie, or in the carp park , inflow on one of the pegs
  22. MAgots! as much as you can afford. 1 maggot on a size 20 hook and spod out 10 pints! you want 8 pints of Red, 1 pint of white and 1 pint of blue. Fish peg 4, 37 yards out, 9oz lead on a match rod. Ill catch the fish for you if you want?
  23. Debbie wouldnt put you wrong!! TOp place with top owners. if your on 1 take a pole cup or baiting spoon with you You'll understand why when your there;)
  24. Pellets are banned mate. Fish worms on all 3! u wont go wrong!
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