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    carrrrrrrrrrrrp fishing

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  1. I have 2 bearded dragons,spike and Lizzie,they are both so funny,and very very friendly..
  2. I know you are asking about Vallee 2 but I found the map for Vallee 1 to be relatively accurate,well worth having,are you sure you have to pay for them?if I remember right mine came with all of my relevant paper work. I wouldn't go there with tactics in mind,I would fish to the situation you find in front of you when you get there.
  3. I've been on Vallee lakes 1 twice now,last October was my last trip there,at the time of being there we asked mark what his plans were for the weed problem,as it was very bad on both lakes.. His reply was and I quote"nothing I've already spent to much money trying to sort it" What I will say about the venue(both lakes)is that the fish and the fish stock's are excellent some very large and stunning carp to go at,it's just down to yourself to catch them.. I wouldn't bother with the food package(I don't know if you are)but its a waste of money.. Only on Vallee lakes can you eat spaghetti bolognese but with out the spaghetti,instead it was served with rice in fact every night we eat rice..!! But I would give it ago mate,there are some really good fish to go at..
  4. Someone thinks they are clever..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Fished there last week,amazing place,saw a lot of fish about and most of them do look around the 25lb mark...!! Found tim to be sound and he hires out tackle at good rates...!!! There wasn't much out last week it was just to warm..!! The one thing I did keep hearing was that they get caught mostly on Icelandic red boilies,but give maggot ago they go nuts for em...!!! Not many come off the top they really are not interested..!! Try and get a swim away from the caravans,I was in the corner swim and fed up of the holiday makers asking me if I had done any good,or trying to tell me how to fish for them..!! Good look any way,oh and keep a couple of rods ready to cast at showing fish,it's like a circus show 2 hours before dark...!!!
  6. When are you going? i will be there on the 1st of october there are 3 off us going we have swims 8 & 10.
  7. Has it got some water in it now it was dangerously low the end of march and as for new swims theres too many as it the vale really doesnt respond well to pressure and that 24lb common is a cracking fish its not the biggest theres a mirror that goes just slightly bigger . be prepared to move alot the fish do,its one of the big factors to catch on the vale,its not as easy as its made out to be you need to put alot of time in to get to grips with the place but when you do its great once you get used to catching lots and lots of little ones .
  8. ive wanted to fish this lake for years but i think the chances of getting on are very slim im sure its run by foresters angling club and the last time i looked there was no info on the net.
  9. sounds like you might need to book the whole lake ask kim at rushes lakes she might be able to help. ps,im always up for a trip to france.
  10. hobby power they do parts aswell dead cheap.
  11. yes it is the jabo 3 and i paid 275 with free postage shocked when i got it though ive never seen a boat that big the lads on my syndicate rave over it there boats are 700 pound boats and mine does exactly what theres do.
  12. I have one brought as i needed a cheap boat quickly,if you ask your local model shop to change the props to run quicker an more quiet costs around a tenner,glue the led lights in on the back of the boat, its well worth the money im happy with mine. ive done 4 day sessions and hammerd the boat on 1 charge the batteries last forever. you can use pva as water wont get in the hoppers. i timed mine to drop a bait 180yds and get the boat back takes 6 mins but thats with a prop change. retractable hoppers and the boat lights up very well at nite the best ive seen yet for nite visability.
  13. i would check there bait restrictions before you buy 20kgs of boiles,baiting heavy didnt work for me and take some pop ups there was weed on the lake bed and ive heard its getting worse,also im not sure if this happens on a regular basis at vallee 1 but i got turned over by cats 3 to 4 a nite id hook them loose them and bring back a freyed hook link so be prepared for that mark dosent sell any link material suitable for cat fish.The fish dont really feed during the day but you can set your watch buy them the place comes alive just as the sun goes down i know this is hard to do but bring your rods in during the day to rest the swim trust me it helps and be prepared mate theres some monsters in there.
  14. im glad you found the balifs helpfull the only help they gave me was to bring my food round,i had fish off vallee 1 but for many reasons i came back feeling very ripped off,yeah chears mark.
  15. long waiting list been on it 12 months
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