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Everything posted by albionchez

  1. Blimey, that looks excellent. Is that bit of water accessible to the public or will you have it all to your self?
  2. Be interested to hear how the session went. I'm not too far from the lake either and have looked around it and it does look lovely.
  3. I've fished there a few times. There are 3 speci lakes but I've only fished 2 of them. The bottom lake which I think is Speci 3 is a decent lake, I've found that the best place to catch is at the far end of the lake. To be honest I much prefer Speci 2. This lake is really small, probably not much more than an acre but it does hold some big fish. Very shallow at one end which can cause problems with the swans if they are around. Because it is so small I always use single hook baits with 20 or 30 freebies thrown around it. Personally I have had more success on the road side bank but have been told the most productive area is on the far bank and the left end as you look at it from the road. I wish I could remember what boilies I've caught on there but I can only remember one and that was a B52 boilie which is very meaty.
  4. Lol, yeah 5 fish in 100 hours on some lakes is fine but two of the waters I fished in that time are usually quite prolific. I would usually expect to catch at least 10 in a day session on one of the lakes.
  5. I must admit that down here in Sussex the carp have been hard to come by. I have been to three different lakes in the past 2 weeks for a total of just over 100 hours and have caught 5 carp, On one of those waters the fishing is so easy it sometimes gets boring, on Saturday I blanked there. There certainly seems to be something strange happening at the moment. Glad it's not just me!!
  6. Did you end up fishing anywhere else then mate? To be honest I don't think you missed out on not getting on Whitevane, I walked around it a few weeks ago and it seemed like it wasn't looked after at all, unhooking mats strewn everywhere etc. I also heard from another lake owner that they had KHV again but this is not confirmed as I know the guy has a bit of an issue with Whitevane anyway.
  7. Are you talking about Menards in Horsham? If so it is a stunning lake with some beautiful swims. Make sure you to have the appropriate gear though as if your retention sling and more importantly your Carp Cradle aren't up to standard Paul won't let you fish. I think this is fair enough, his lake his rules but some seem to take offence. Oh, but in answer to your actual question, sorry I've never fished it!!
  8. I think Tanyards would be a good option for you mate. I'm in Hove and I think if you're after a decent venue that's not too busy then that's your place.
  9. Hi Mate, Did you have any luck with Farnham or Portsmouth? I've recently been fishing a lake up near Copthorne that has a couple of 40's in it but am still on the look out for other waters. Hello mate, yup, I joined Portsmouth and have been pretty happy with it so far. I did a bit of digging and found that Farnham was a non-starter. They've got so many members that at weekends it's almost impossible to get on their better waters, and even midweek it can be difficult. I didn't want to be in a situation where I drove 60 miles to fish somewhere, only to find I couldn't get on. Copthorne . . . . .Hunters Lodge, what's the place like? Its a really nice place mate, but at only about 1.5 acres has its limitations when it comes to amount of water you can fish. If there are more than 3 swims being used you find yourself limited as to where you can fish. The fish are beautiful in there though, every carp I've seen come out has been in perfect condition and they also have some lovely cats f you're that way inclined. Biggest I've had so far is just under 25lb but they do go to much bigger in there. Owner is a decent bloke as are all the anglers I've met there. The only problem I've got with the place is that you need to pretty much have it to yourself to be able to fish where you want. Was there a waiting list for Portsmouth? Any decent sizes in any of their waters?
  10. Hi Mate, Did you have any luck with Farnham or Portsmouth? I've recently been fishing a lake up near Copthorne that has a couple of 40's in it but am still on the look out for other waters.
  11. No mate, unfortunately not. I'm still looking though. Know of any??
  12. I'm not sure of the name of it, in fact I'm not sure it even has a name. It's near Crawley though.
  13. Cool, some good advice there. Thanks for your help.
  14. Well I'm in Hove but don't mind travelling. Hastings area would be OK if it was a good water, wouldn't mind going up to the M25 if it was worth it either. I've heard of that Buckshole reservior but then I heard some bad things about it, very niosy, chavs etc and it put me off. Never heard of the spoon. What/where is that??
  15. Hi All, I've been searching for a syndicate water in Sussex for some time now and have come to realise that people don't give out info on specific syndicates i.e. location, contact details. So, unless anybody wants to give me that kind of info I won't ask!! BUT, can I ask this, what is the price range for syndicates. If i was to be offered membership to one that was about 2.5 acres had 55 carp, two of which were 30lb+ with the others being at least upper doubles for £300 (only 6 swims) would that be a good price? Am I likely to get cheaper? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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