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Where to fish? - Suffolk/Norfolk
theloner replied to carpling's topic in UK Venues and Where to Fish
what about burgh hall fishery? not fished it but i'm pretty sure its in or near lowestoft. 3 acre carp lake with most fish low 20's, pressured water but cracking fish. someone else mite b able to tell u more!! or google it! -
there isnt any underwater features trust me. its all 4 foot deep featureless chod. it was dug simply as a bowl. fish to the pads!!
they sell there own boilies from essex carp baits at a pretty good price. contact the fishery on facebook and they'll give you details. if you need mobile num,, i can supply
it used to be syndicate, only opened as day tickets in march. rob and gary who run it r nice guys. tell them that i (Clark) told you about the place!! i think its 15quid for 2 rods or 18 for 3 for 24hrs. if you use 3 rods you'd get NOOOO sleep!! a few big cats in there 2
what you mean by reasonable size carp? look at Robinson Park Fisheries on facebook. nice lake, 5 acres, stuffed with carp between 15 and 22 with lots of 20's and a coiuple 30's. i did 48hrs the other day for 11 carp between 16 and 21lb 12
my faves are no1, or the pads. my bro likes the big double swim and the back of the island. it dont matter. theres plenty in there and no space. they will move over your baiy. giv em the right thing!!
closed season ran between may8 and june 7 this yr
hi. its not a difficult lake. i did very well feeding particles and fishing corn over the top right in the margins and being very quiet and my brother has had plenty using fake maggots on a maggot clip and feedin maggots over the top. if you really want some bites and somewhere a bit closer, book up robinson park fisheries at brightlingsea nr colchester. loads of fish in there and quite a runs water. i did 48hrs 2 wks ago and had 11 fish between 15 and 21. they have no website, but do have a facebook page. I've lived in ipswich all my life and understand the need to travel to find decent fishing!!
o and sweet talk the baliff. he's a bit annoying and hates people catching more than him. dont let him catch you breaking rules. he sometimes asks people to reel in to check their rig, i avoided this so far by leaving sevral rigs on a baitbucket outside bivvy and i've seen him eyeing them
there is some big fish in there. not a really hard water anymore. watch out for people watching you and poaching on your baiting though!! had that happen!! they like it on the top sometimes too. a good way to learn the water
g'day mate fished it loads. everyone baitboats to island but i done best by booking the pads and fishing it as quietly as poss or setting up round back of the island making sure bivvy is right in bushes and rods well back and fishing on top of the marginal shelf about 4 ft out. slack lines!!
most of the big fish now moved into bottom lake. everyone goes for peg one near roped off are. on night fishing weekend people fish the friday night(against the rules!) so they can get the pegs they want. my advice(and i used to live down there!!) fish peg 14. one rod, mainline boilie, flick it round to your left under the willow and sit right on top of your rod
brasenose for runs and doubles. oxlease a little harder, good chance of 20, hardwick or hunts corner my faves, stunning fish. take your maggots. LOTS of maggots. st johns-good luck getting a peg!!
been a few fish out recently. had a few myself outa broadwing 2 weeks ago. good quality boilies (they see allsorts!!). i fished near the overhanging willoew. fish will show plenty but you try hooking one!!!!!!!!!!! good luck
The amount of times he catches big carp and has no unhooking mat and lays them in a patch of stinging nettles beggars belief. And i'm sure u've all seen the one where he hooks a koi fishing ridiculously deep in a reedbed and has to nearly rip its head off to get it out. Plus i met him once and he wasn't at all friendly. I wasn't pestering him. He has a ticket to the same syndicate as me and he was fishing on next peg to me one time. I usually chat to the guy next door in case u need his assistance in middle of night for some reason. He wasn't particularly nice so he's not my favourite person!
Thanks for input guys. Seems its a bugbear of some of you as well as me! I baliff a water near diss and sometimes ask to see rigs if i see stuff i dont like sitting on a tackle box or if i see them fishing like a novice. The amount of times people refuse and start swearing and all sorts. Most of the time their rigs are fine they just dont like being inspected. I rarely get them to reel a rod in. I wait for them to reel in then quickly pop round to their swim. I fish a lake in norwich where they routinely ask people to reel in so they can check rig. I never mind reeling in one of my rods as they only do it for fishes welfare and that should all be our no1 concern.
I just had to post this as twice in the last 2 weeks i've been shocked at the dreadful rigs i've seen. First on suffolk water park which is certainly not a water that sees many noddys i fished out a rig which looked like a normal rig with a hair rigged boilie apart from the fact it was attached to a TREBLE! And a few days later at my 400quid a year syndicate(where you would think people would know how to fish) i had a run which felt rather weird and i'd hooked a tower. I reeled in and got hold of the stray line and handlined in a mid20 which was attached to about 30ft of line and a rig with a 3oz lead TIED on. Yes TIED with a palomar knot or somethin like it? Who goes out with this gear and thinks its acceptable? Both times i've shown to baliff but what can they do? Check every1's rig?
cant help you there mate, not heard about it. i notice you fish weybread. any chance you could clue me in about the place please! i only joined last week. did a night on no1 pit and had nowt though there were stacks of fish about!! any tips on fishing no1 or bottle would be appreciated. by private message if you want. i only spoke to one guy there and he said he'd done 1,000,000 nights for only one fish. either he was exaggerating or he.s a poor angler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the trouble with that is obviusly that if the fish snags you and you break off your entire rig will be lost and presumably attached to a fish until it can rid itself of it. though lots of people do use 10lb line and 15lb combi braid hooklinks. in my opinion thats not good fish welfare
i dont bother with a backstop bead. the one between lead and hooklink is vital. try and get a lead with a big hole for the line to run freely! this might sound silly but its important. cant get simpler than that rig
Yeah i'm sure. I take it the guy who bothered to ring the shop spoke to trevor or stu who are bein tightlipped about it because they answer direct to pete clapperton. The other baliffs are not though. One of the baliffs is my regular fishing partner and when another baliff ticket comes available in january i have a verbal agreement to get it myself. That lake has been there since i started fishing the park before the clare park fish were introduced. There ya a rumour that a 40lb mirror called black dog was in there. I fished it a few times. Often saw lee jackson fishing it. I think black dog wasn't there though. I caught a few fin perfect 20's which are crackin fish if they'r still in there but never saw anything above 30. It also is crammed with bream and tench and there is no plans to net it when more carp are stocked. Its not a lake aimed at hardcore carpers but corporate stuff as they get lots of inquiries about block lake bookings and people with more money than sense who want guaranteed bites.. I'll stick to the big fish lake. Stop linear and Immac common look out!
Thats pretty much right. 1to 6 are only good in cold or miserable weather as it drops down deep. As does peg 12. Carrot always has about 10fish with it. And usually if you can see clearly from high in a tree carrot is the smallest of that group and carrot goes 27lb odd. All the fish move in groups of 10 or so. Which makes it tricky as their is only about 120 to 150 fish in there! And weekends are mindless. There is no limit on how many anglers so i went down a couple of weekends ago and every single peg on the 47peg lake was taken. The fish were hiding and nobody caught anything. There is a huge area of water behind the trees of pegs 1 to 5 where its not possible to get rods to. The fish retreat there when its busy. Dont blame them. The water park is also opening a runs water round the back of the golf course. Its going to be 50quid a night. No thanks!
I've sent u a PM in return. Hope i did it right. Not done one before. Let me no u got it.
going to catch 22 for 24 hours
theloner replied to nickcurtis's topic in UK Venues and Where to Fish
I'm not slating the place for no reason. I only went the once and did 48hrs. Its was about 2 months ago. I had 15fish including 8 20's and EVERY fish had damage. Mouth damage, split fins or sores. First impressions not good. There is illegally stocked catfish too. They'r not allowed by EA to have them as they's too close to river but i know for certain there are cats in there as my bro has had 2. U are right a scattered boilie approach is best. I had a few on zigs too. -
Hey mate. Sounds like a few people been struggling on the park! I've fished it since pete clapperton bought it several years ago. I've had all 30.s bar 2. Which incidentally are the 2 best looking- the Stop Linear and the Immaculate Common. I occasionally dabble down there for them but am on west stow now. The water park is a cracking venue and not as hard as people say. What do u want to know. I'll spill the beans! Quite a few are secretive there but i dont care as i've had most of the fish i want! Most important is location. The fish move in groups and there's only 150 in there so if u turn up and plonk in any old swim u could b nowhere near fish. If you get on them u can have 2 or 3 in a night. And although the water park has had 2 REPORTED 40's its never done one that anybody has witnessed being weighed and neither of those fish have looked like goin over 40 since so they'r a bit suspect to say the least! Its a great place to go if u want big fish. You are really unlucky if u have a double. My first fish from there was 37lb 12oz! Let me know what you want to know and i'll sing like a bird. Dont know if i'll get in trouble for this cuttie Water Park website has a forum dedicated to the park. There is some fools on it and some sense! My username is the same on that forum. Good luck. Clark