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Everything posted by theloner

  1. I stumbled across one of their waters the other day, and have since found their website, but despite that, i know next to nothing about them despite living only a few miles away. is anyone on here a Paxmans member and can tell me anything about their waters. pm please thankyou
  2. i believe this has recently become dayticket. does anyone know anything about it? i cant find a website or any info by searching on here
  3. much obliged!
  4. cheers mate. how many lakes are there then? which ones hold carp in 20's and 30's which is what i'm looking for. dont care about catchin horrible cats, anyone else fish it?
  5. i havent fished it for 4 years but always found it a nice place, true some regulars are berks but never was packed and if Chay Jacko is still baliff he was always really nice. wouldnt take any nonsense though, but a top chap. mite be different guy now
  6. hi does anybody know owt about Nar valley? i did a web search, not terribly revealing, mostly out of date info, and did a search on here, also several years old, anyone know stock, price, ticket availability. PM. thankyou
  7. yes that sort of behaviour did used to happen a few years back, its mostly been stamped out now as each peg has its own designated area to fish to, there is a map in the shop which clearly shows each pegs water, its a big lake so every peg still has plenty of water to go at
  8. o and if you go down to look round, make sure you pop in shop to tell them that you are going to walk round as they are quite tight on people wandering around if they dont know you. (excellent security)
  9. dont let me put you off and dont think i have a downer on the place, i love fishing there, its a great lake and the baliffs are friendly and helpful. there are a few inexperienced anglers that fish it but its not the easiest lake and most of them struggle. it has a high percentage of fish over 20(even though a few low doubles were reported to have come up the pipe from other lake when it flooded, if you hook a fish its more likely to be over 20 than under). there are more than 20 named fish that go over 30 and obviously carrot the 27lb koi. some of the fish are stunners, Immaculate common and Match lake Mirror are my two faves. its a great lake that takes a bit of thinking about and effort, it is the best fishery in suffolk by some distance! Baitboats were banned on several pegs for a while as they had problems with some anglers driving their boats 200yrds+ or over other pegs water with no consideration for others, this was only one or two individuals and now it has been sorted and reduced to only peg13 where baitboats are banned because if someone was fishing straight out from the cafe and the chap fishing peg13(the point) drove his boat out a long way it would cause confrontation. i myself saw a guy a few yrs back drive his boat from the flagpole to fish the margins of the swim called Bird Cage which is the stupidest thing i've ever seen because its 200yrds+ easily and involved going through about 5 massive weedbeds!! this sort of behaviour is mostly eradicated down there now!the rules are not at all restrictive and its a fantastic lake!!
  10. true true. grey tail was very old, i have seen a pic of her at about 5 or 6 lbs, taken years and years before i was born!! The park does have some poor fisherman fish it, i have seen and heard of some nightmarish rigs being found or dragged out. sacks have always been a problem on there too, baitboats are also banned off peg13 now, and limitations set on where you can fish on pegs 12 and 13 as some anglers dont use their brain!!!! its true about pressure too, best way to totally avoid pressure is go home if lake is busy!! it never fishes well when its rammed, the fish switch off or retreat into the corner with the baliffs peg as its rarely fished and nobody else can get a bait down there! i have turned up before and there has been one peg free on the whole lake, i have turned round and gone elsewhere as it never fishes well. they have King of the Water park matches down there every so often, most pegs are taken and rarely more than one or two fish get caught all weekend. i do all my fishing down there midweek, mostly short overnighters after work, on a monday or tuesday i will often find only 3 or 4 anglers on at this time of year!
  11. cor thats an old thread you dredged up!!!! grey tail died last winter/spring if i remember right. i live on same road and have fished it since 1999 and had all but 2 of the named fish, what you say about the back pegs is right, but until you know the lake well, its a general rule of thumb. golden rule on the park is to never set up until you are sure you are on the fish. there is spots on every peg that will produce at any time of year, the flagpole can produce in winter and peg 2 in summer, just gotta keep eyes peeled, and keep away from the pressure. fish have been flying out recently, i had 2 from car park swin mid february, 3.4 has been out twice already, pegs 1-5 10-13 and 33-35 have been producing, a lot of fish, 20 fish out in last 4 days, i'm gonna pop down asap!! quick overnighter after work tomorrow!!
  12. keep and eye on all your tackle mate, if you leave something behind bivvy it wont be there in morning, heard loads stories of people who have had stuff nicked by people who park just off a12 and jump over and steal stuff.
  13. hi, heard a lot about the bayeswater day ticket lake, but not that much info is around on web!! i've read the website and like look of rules, especially the specifics on no litter (fishing in other peoples detritus enrages me!!). just looking for a little info, website doesnt say size of lake, no of fish/20's/30's(estimated) and average size of fish, and how hard is it, teaching my cousin this season and dont want to take him somewhere rock hard!! any suggestions on bait etc by pm if you wants thanks in advance
  14. thanks chaps, am looking for a quiet lake where i can winkle a few 20's. sounds good, but i heard from a mate that CAPS is going up tp £90 for a yr plus £40 for nights, £130???? thats a big hike from last years price aint it??? unless i was misinformed!!
  15. early March will be a good time, sign up to the suffolk water park forum, and keep an eye out on the catch reports that they regularly update, and as soon as a few start coming out in March, get down there, its easy fishing for a month or so when they first wake up
  16. hi all, after any info on Inworth Grange on the CAPS ticket, i've read the websites info, interested to know the experiences of anyone who has fished it either now, or before it was a CAPS water How difficult? Average fish size? Is it busy midweek? What is the security like? any other info you dont mind sharing, by PM if you prefer thanks
  17. Dont go to SWP at this time of year, especially as it has turned cold again, total waste of money!! trust me, i've fished SWp fro 8 years as i live on the same road!! you would be better off trying a waveney valley water or cobbleacre or catch22 in norfolk.
  18. hi, looking for any info on any of the chelmsford aa lakes as i am thinking of joining, is it hard to get a night ticket, is there a waiting list? looking at boreham/willows night ticket and maybe fishing braxted res or wicks, any info on any of these lakes greatly appreciated, looking for a lake that gives me a decent chance of a 30, but with a high proportion of 20's too. which lake would suit me best ta by PM please thanks
  19. hi, looking for general info on kelvedon angling assoc's silver end front and back pits, how hard are they, average size of fish etc etc, any info appreciated, in 2 minds as to whether to join!! their website is pretty old school!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. hey mate. fish tight to pads or far bank. they like cell or dynamite boilies. my last fish from there is in the catch reports here- http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=46714 lots of 20's, average fish is about 19, not a hard water, expect a couple fish a night, dont forget zigs. only downside is the pegs are way too close together and way too many people at once fishing
  21. it is a runs water. However the whole complex is fishing poorly at the moment. i did the night on heron couple days ago and nobody caught a thing. the fish were spawning for the 2nd time this year. someone spodding? what an idiot. needless
  22. you'd be better off on grove lake at taswood mate. runs water with lots of high singles, low doubles. expect a busy night
  23. so do i or the korda mixa or fox ssc size 10
  24. just remebered its not burgh hall. its called Burgh Castle sorry for confusion
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