Location, location, I won't fish at the syndicate without finding the fish and this year I had a ggod hit at finding the fish, putting 200 baits in a massive area and then firing 3 or 4 choddies onto that area, however onto the waters I fished the year before, I couldn't catch on choddies, I could only catch on "simple" rigs such as the "blowback" and a simple bit of line aligned shrink tube and the hair coming off of the middle of the shank, the first ever hair rig occording to kevin Nash and if any of you have seen his illustration of which a carp sucks and blows, I strongly agree with it
A carp sucking, when a carp sucks, it sucks the hook and boilie back into the back of it's mouth, and then blows, thus the boilie goes out first followed by the hook turning and going out bend first which will not enable the hook to catch hold
Watch his video on YouTube it's about 3 minutes from the end on his guide for rigs part 2 (rig mechanics) o