Of course you can - have a bead and swivel under the float and tie a weak bottom link and bomb to it.
i can't see much point in abandoning leads at a £1 a chuck
'Franks Leads' work out at about 66p with postage.
special offers atm only 55p a lead:)
Even cheaper carpioleads 30p a lead but have to pay postage so order lots more to save moeny
when you order anything from tv.s etc the little bits of foam are pva,
dont buy the solar ones mate i paid £4 for mine different colours and they arent that good
was speaking to one of my dads very close friends last night who is an extremeley good fisherman and knows the swan pool and canal like the back of his hand and he said in the midlands pine pool is the best chance of a 20+ so definetly going to give it a go either saturday or monday
been round pine pool for 8 hours today and other pools on my bike,
Does anybody know how pine is fishing,there was noone fishing but saw 2 fish top which looked a decent size,
Pegs,bait rigs etc,