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Everything posted by fishermanjoe

  1. what i did was marker float it and found a nice clay patch at about 60 yards so i spodded about 8 spods out and then method feeder recast every 45mins for first 5 casts then every 2 hr then i just left it in after that and on the other rod onto the spodded patch
  2. like a cage feeder but with only one side you have a short hooklength and book groundbait around the feeder i was using a pinappple boilie on a snowman from edge baits
  3. went on sunday had 1 carp that was 17lb 8oz and 2 bream took me 2 hrs to find the lake:L Lots of fish crashing in the middle of the lake Get on the method feeder or zigs mate
  4. Id watch the horses if i was wid you
  5. If you want our swim pounded with soap then go there if not then pm me;) Thats quite a claim to make Joe Fished it with my dads mate who was on there once got there really early in the morning and saw a GROWN MAN sneaking up and throwing bars of soap on certain swims... Also one Famous angler who shall be nameless was casting out and trying to bump the fish to feel them up as in the winter they bunch up together and hold up
  6. If you want our swim pounded with soap then go there if not then pm me;)
  7. If you want me to be honest the fish in my avatar was from kingsbury but not on the swan. my dads mate told me a lot of the tips for a couple of the pools and knows a lot about the place. i went with him there 5 times all day before i even fished it knowing where the fish are putting a very little bait out just generally looking for fish A VERY BIG TIP is fish in the bays On the lake i had mine from theres 2 bays;) you can find out which lake that is for yourself
  8. not many people know if but one of the other pools holds bigger fish, Get the marker float out and find some clear patches, Move very regulary about 6 times throughoiut the day fish margains
  9. that what i had them on luncheon meat just freelined under the rod tip
  10. lots of little carp and tench wouldnt fish there tbh
  11. i was just flicking it and that to see if it flipped Lmao i look like a idiot now giggleing on the sofa
  12. Was just making some rigs had some pop-ups so decided to try it in my pond, out of 3 different rigs 1 with the tubbing just on the shank didnt look good the hook point was actually facing up as the piece of peeled back braid flipped over so the hook point was facing the pop-up i tried to suck it up with my fingers like a fish would to see if it would flip but it wasnt succesful so i wont use this method that i just mentioned
  13. No and i wouldnt want to. I value my own syndicate far to much to risk fishing Barston didnt tmb slagg of a place and get banned?
  14. Its a good fishery and nigel is a sound bloke TBH TB have you ever fished it?
  15. where that mate Barston lakes is west midlands golf course
  16. put it thorugh a blender
  17. As question says? cheers
  18. you can get away with nights at kingsbury the wardens dont come round the lake just go round to who they can see just dont put your bivvy up until late
  19. I was a member at bonhill for 3 years... Theres about 3 snags in whole lake
  20. theres only 3 waters near tamworth that i can think of with 40lb+ in which is ridddings,cuttle mill and a syndicate
  21. Its fishing very well jsut to inform you My next door neighbour did 2 days down there and had 4 fish, 33,31,29 and 26
  22. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/search.php
  23. I wish I could get out on my own! I still have no floor in my bathroom or kitchen, the hotwater tank has decided to pack in, the dog has bust down 4 fence panels (which I can't replace until the weekend as I can't fit them in the car ) and to top it all off, I have a lake that is only 100 meters from my front door (the deciding factor in buying the house as I had a pool very close to the old one) and it's flooded so I cant get to the area where all the fish have been hugging for the last 2 weeks It's as if they new what was coming Count to 10. 1,2,3,4,5 once nige caught a fish alive 6,7,8,9,10 then he let it go again that should cheer you up
  24. yepp with the big house next to it.. my dad was going to buy the house and lake but the lake had a big water leakeage problem and they were paying enormas fees in water supplys for it and bonehill pffffttt... dont touch it OR else the dog'll bite you
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