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  1. Got this book as part of a carpology subscription deal for Christmas. I don't really read at all, unless you count facebook statuses This is also the first fishing book that I have ever got and I'm actually really enjoying it. You can really invision his sessions and it's written in such a down to earth way that he seems like a mate as you are reading it. Anyone else read it? What did you think? Joe
  2. makes a lot more sense cheers
  3. I have recently started using combi rigs and am very impressed! First session using them I caught 6 fish on them and they were all nailed! However, I am currently fishing on a difficult water which is very silty in spots. I really want to use the combi rig because of the way it kicks away from the lead and resets itself. The problem is that if the lead sinks into the silt, the rig would be sticking up out of the silt and make catching nearly impossible. My idea being, would a double combi rig sort this problem or would it just be pointless? The standard combi rig uses 2 different materials which is typically a stiff section then a supple section. My idea is having a supple section off the lead, then the stiff section, then back to a supple section for the hook and bait. The idea being that if the lead sunk into the silt the supple section wouldn't push the rig up, but instead will hug the bottom. The stiff section would then kick the rest of the rig away as usual, then back to the supple section for the hook and bait. I hope that makes sense. If you understood my concept and have any ideas on it then please let me know. Joe
  4. I haven't read it either.
  5. wow absolutely cracking fish. some really long ones aswell. well done.
  6. And it does, i saw the film tonight. I was a tad disappointed about the film to be honest. Its good, but it has been loosely based on the novel and i feel it leaves out quite a few of the key moments that feature in the book. But then again i suppose you must expect that. It must be hard for a filmaker to condense 600 odd pages of a very well written novel into just over a 2 hour film. Its still a very well made film though i havn't read the book which is probably why i would rate it higher than you because i didn't know what to expect. i saw it on wednesday. i didn't even know there was a book. it was a really good film and i thoroughly recommend it
  7. well this is our latest book to read for our coarsework. i managed an A in my inspector calls one. it seems to take forever to get into it and because the style of writing is a lot different to what we are all used to its quite confusing. what is everyone elses views on this book?
  8. yeh. i got an A in it. also done our film review thing and got an A in that and an A in another thing. guess what my target grade is aswell. an A
  9. £10 isn't really a lot for a day ticket. Some lakes charge like £40 for 24hours! my local day ticket water is £3 a day and used to be £2.50. with a bathampton aa which is £8 for the whole year then £3 for each day.
  10. no but £10 is a lot on money for one session. i've just sent off for a liscense that cost £10 for the year and i can go as offen as i want.
  11. long.
  12. just two more books. one of them is private peacful, (i really liked it) we read it in english in year secen and i loved it soo much i bought it myself and read it another two time. i havn't read it for a while but i wouldn't mind gettin it out again. It's about these two brothers that have a really good life at home until the marches around places recruiting people to join the army for WW1. they evebtually join and have a hard life in the training. eventually let out into the trenches where there are lots of other storys happening to them whilst they are down there. at the end it is quite sad but i won't ruin the ending in case anyone is planning on reading it. that is just a brief outline of the story. anyone else read it?
  13. the writer is very clever in how the story goes by changing how each character feels at the start and then at the end. i have to say i really didn't like the ending. it needed to carry on a bit to find out what really does happen in the end.
  14. this is more of a play but we have just read this in class and we are doing coarse work on it. just wanted to know who has read/seen it? and what your views are about it?
  15. i've taken some of your advice to take pictures and i've made another video. i think the quality is a bit better but i havn't got a better camera to hand. try this one http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=is8wTAntNco
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