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Everything posted by buzzbomb

  1. A couple of overhand knots in a blade of grass works well.
  2. I gave him lots of praise, and buried the spoils at sea. Usually I have to finish them off for him, so this is progress.
  3. Crummy picture but you get the idea. He got another one this morning, the little hero.
  4. You don't have to download it, just watch - it's free like Youtube. Can't see why The NFB would dis-allow a documentary in the UK..... I know some videos are like that but this one should just play.
  5. You might get a laugh out of this, let's see if the link works.. It's about where it comes from. https://www.nfb.ca/film/fiddlers_of_james_bay/
  6. A little Metis lullabye for CM. Calvin played our club lots, and was a national champion several times. Ha ha, recorded at the Elks Lodge, perfect!
  7. i assumed it was so when the carp goes to suck up the bait it flies in easily, and I suppose on ejection, either through normal filtering of detritus or because of detection of resistance, line stiffness doesn't effect the outcome.
  8. Except for D.A.M. Quick all the major manufacturers have made inferior quality reels for the cheap market; I've never seen a bad Quick reel. I have Shimano xte-a 10000 and rate them excellent. Since they're discontinued you have to sniff them out second-hand.
  9. There's a few of us dog lovers on here.
  10. A Tommy the Tenderfoot illustration in Baden Powell's original Scouting For Boys: Plenty of blankets below, he was told But Tommy knew better, and so he got cold.
  11. If it gets frantic tip the rods next door butts-up and rod tips in the water on the bottom and play the fish over them. We have a 1 rod rule where I am but occasionally banksticks are within a length of each other, and pods are helpfull sometimes, and in either case ditching the adjacent rods usually averts trouble. The nights when it was sorting out tangles time after time between all these mad fish are what I call the good old days now.
  12. Lately at work (where I am now) I set up my little computer and a set of speakers and stream radio from up north, Missinipi Broadcasting Company. The playlist can go anywhere, and they feature reporting in Cree, Dene, and Michif as well as English. http://cjlr.streamon.fm/
  13. https://youtu.be/OEx-GMDQxjw These guys are playing our bar on Wednesday - I won't go but it looks like fun. I have to be prepared in case it's a bear to clean up the next day.
  14. Big fat nightcrawler is what any fish are usually easiest to catch on in Canada and they cost a small fortune. Your best earthworm from the garden, (pictured below the nightcrawler in the hand), is the 2nd best.
  15. Welcome to the forum, full marks for determination!
  16. I'm listening to ZZ Top now, the guys with the beards. Every place I ever stopped in Texas, I went into a bar.. but right now this: my ringtone: and fer CM
  17. Fishing with them is against the law in Canada, (maybe all Canada, maybe not), but I think we may get away with dropping bait. With a camera you could put it right on a marker float. Limitations on weight make it marginally effective for what I like to do, but if you wanted to put boilies right on your bait it would be good.
  18. Rugby Union begat Canadian football which begat American football. Edit: Looks a LOT like rugby at this point, unusual!
  19. We'll see how long my interest lasts, I haven't watched an NFL game all year but I'm willing to be entertained, and the half-time show could be good.
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