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Everything posted by etangdebrigueuil

  1. Who were the fish farmers that were involved in looking after the fish?
  2. Hi Nicnac, have a look at www.carpwebsites.co.uk if thats not correct give me a shout and I'll look it up and make sure I've got it right. All the best.
  3. Hi Kingfisher, as far as I am aware Carp Limo is no longer. I cant say for definate as someone may have taken it on but I belive it closed last summer. Perhaps someone can confirm or deny this if they know. Cheers
  4. Hi Aaron, I think they have been taken over. They are still trading I believe the website is www.skylakefisheries.co.uk Hope you find it OK. Have a good 2009. Andy
  5. Hi Tim, we are open all year we already have a few in February but still have plenty of space that early. If we can give you any further help please do not hesitate to contact us. Andy and Tracey
  6. Hi Chris, when would you be looking to come to France and hoe long would you be looking to fish for.
  7. Hi where are you going and how are you traveling. Are you going by car, plane or being picked up. A little bit more info will help, also where you are going how long and any other info.
  8. price per week is 250 euros per angler, drive and survive, free for a non-angler. we do tackle hire and free airport transfers to and from Limoges, so the price for tackle hire is 100 euro per week and food packages are 110 euro per week (breakfast, lunch and 2 course evening meal). We are in the process of updating the website at the moment to show all these options. Hope that helps.
  9. Hi Jimmy, we have a good head of fish in the high thirties and we have had 41 forties out so far this year. We have availability for next year depending on when you are looking for. Have a look at our website www.highmilllake.com if you want anymore info e mail us and we will do our best to answer all your questions. Andy
  10. The boys are being pipped at the post at the moment by an English team, who had a whopping 50lb er last night to take the lead with 6 fish. A bit of politics going on also, but with a £10k prize fund thats no surprise. May the best team win.
  11. We were joined in April this year by Dan O'Kelly from Ireland as our new bailiff and we were thrilled for him when a mate asked him to join his team to fish the World Carp Classic this year, the first team to ever represent Ireland in this competition. Sponsored by Gardner Tackle and Heathrow Baits they had only the draw to worry about. They ended up with a swim in the section sponsored by Pescalis on one of the islands and they were a bit disappointed as they thought the pegs were a bit too close together. But we are so pleased for them as they are winning at the moment with only 3 more nights left to fish. The leaderboard is posted on www.theonlinekeepsack.com although it isn't very accurate as they are listed as having caught a 57lb fish and sadly thats not true. Their biggest is 19.5kg and they have landed 4, their nearest rivals have landed 2, with a total weight bagged of 57kgs. So we wish them all the best, here's hoping they bring that cup home to Ireland.
  12. Hi Map we are open all year obviously we are quieter in the winter but if there were a few of you then perhaps we could offer you a discount have a look at our site if you want anymore info either e mail us or give us a call highmilllake.com
  13. Thanks for the thumbs up. I believe that they are also blocking ports their side for delivery of petrol and diesel so worth filling up when you can as there has been talk on french telly about there being a shortage.
  14. Hi there have not actually fished the place but Pat and Geoff and nearly nieghbours of ours so know a little about the lake. Is there anything that you want to know specifically. I know some dutch guys passed by the other week who were fishing there and said they had had a good week. Think they had quite a few fish to mid thirties. Beautiful location, very private and I can assure you the wives will love it also. Let us know if you want anymore info.
  15. Hi, Why not try Tricherie or Villedon they are both about 100 acres Tricherie is a bit more wild but the fish are in there if you want to put in the effort.
  16. Come on lads give the guy a break he is only supplying you with the information there are enough translation programs out there for you to be able to get something out of it. Correct me if I'm wrong but he is not marketing it just giving you the info for free some of these lakes are huge and I can assure you he wont be making any money out of it. A lot of us go over to france to fish and not all of us go to just English run lakes. Sometimes it pays to do something outside of your own comfort zone.
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