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Everything posted by etangdebrigueuil

  1. Well done Kim for highlighting the problems that some people may have. I must say it is not something we would have thought of. We do have some space left in June and July probably because of the football. If people have booked a ferry and or hotels on the way down in France and are looking for alternative venues then if there is anything we can do to help your holidays go smoother please give us a call. Also we would like to send our condolences to Lac Unique. Again well done Kim for bringing this up.
  2. Hi Brian, we will keep our fingers crossed for you and Kylie. All the best mate we hope all works out for you both.
  3. Hi Jules, I contacted Richard about advertising on here he did call me and left a message but when I called him back I got an answer phone message. Now I have lost his number and I have PM'd him but no reply. Please can you get him to message me along with his phone number. Many thanks
  4. Hi Striker, I think thats a little below the belt suggesting that you wont get any help on here. I read your post and if I could have answered it I would have but I honestly didnt know. There is no point anyone answering a post with ifs' buts and maybe's, that doesnt help anyone.
  5. Hi Brian, I wish you all the luck in the world with your dream. I will however point out (although you probably already know) that a Bailiffs job does not pay that well. Also with the situation as it is at the moment financially a lot of fisheries are tightening their belts. However I really hope you find what you are looking for all the best mate. Andy
  6. Hi David, yes you are right it would not be suitable for 6 but I think they said it would be a family holiday with not everybody fishing. Although the fish are not the biggest you are likely to get in France the accommadation is second to none and the wife's will certainly not be disappointed. I'm sure that if they took the family there they would perhaps be allowed to go away for a jolly on their own later in the year, sort of a sweetner for the family. Also thanks for the comment about recommending other lakes. Its no good recommending your own lake when its not what people are looking for that way no one wins.
  7. Although I agree with you in principle Gareth, myself and most British Guys we have had would disagree with you when it comes to the Andouillette or Troyes tripp sausage's. These are enough to make you heave and if they are the first sausages you purchased in France it would be enough to put you off for good. They do sell what we know as Baked beans (haricot blanc) in tomato sauce but they are nowhere near as tasty they are in the UK. But in general you can survive for a week in France very comfortably without having to struggle to much, lets face it its no 'I'm a celebrity jungle challenge' is it
  8. I think I'm right in saying that if you have a Nationwide card when you draw money out abroad you get the bank rate (which is normally a lot better) not the tourist rate.
  9. With all the stuff on your list make sure you dont forget your fishing tackle. LOL
  10. Hi Ernie, well I'm afraid he is being honest with you. We own a lake in the Limoges area and although its hard to believe one year we had temperatures of 30 degrees in the sun during February and the following week beginning of march they were minus 10. As fisheries owners we always say there are certain things we cant do anything about thats the fishing and the weather if they dont want to play ball then thats its. You would be better off to try and push your week forward to perhaps mid April, at least you would be a bit more certain of the weather. Whenever you decide to go I'm sure they will look after you and hope you have a great trip.
  11. Hi Ralph How are you long time no see, yes we are a bit late with some of the catch reports we have a number of weeks to catch up on. Yes we are open throughout the winter although we can never tell if it is going to ice over so we do tend not to push it. As for any fifties out this year unfortunately we have got very close with some big forties but have not had a fifty out. We have had close to 60 forties out with at least 19 of them being different fish. We have a file on the bigger fish so we know exactly which fish is which as long as people take a photo of both sides (one side is usually far more recognisable than the other) with some night time pics its a bit difficult to distinguish. But we can say for sure that we have 19 known forties in the lake. If we can help you further do not hesitate to contact us. P.S. Have you been away this year. Give us a call when you have 5 minutes. All the best Andy and Tracey
  12. Hi there, although we would not consider ourselves a runs water we have very rarely had anyone blank and if your on the fish you'll have a great week. We can say yes to all your requests and if you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us. Wherever you go we hope you have a great holiday. Andy and Tracey Jones
  13. Hi Adam I know we spoke yesterday but we really do wish you all the best in your new venture, as I said if you are passing by please do drop in would be great to see you, anytime. Also please keep us up to date with the Carp-Tech venture. Talk to you soon. Andy and Tracey
  14. Hi James, yes it is my venue but we will be closing from the end of October as we have some work to do in the winter. Try contacting Barry at Lac les Pins I think he's open through the winter and does packages and will pick you up from the airport. Hope you find what you want and if we can help further please give us a shout.
  15. Hi James, I think you'll be lucky to get a runs water with carp to 40/50lb you'll either have a decent water with big fish or a runs water with plently of 20's but they tend not to go together. What size lake are you looking for. p.s thanks Steve for adding the link.
  16. Hi James when are you looking to go.
  17. Hi there, why not have a look at Etang de Cosse if you cant find the site give me a shout and I'll look for it. Lovely house big enough for 2 families and some great fishing to be had as well
  18. Hi Fella, I am sure that there would be some venues that would offer your brother free fishing. If he has been out in Afghanistan on duty then he deserves a good bit of rest and relaxation. I'm sorry that we are to big and a little to far for you, hope someone comes through for you we owe a lot to our lads in the armed forces. Have a good time mate wherever you end up.
  19. Have a look at norfolk lines I think they are very reasonable also Sea France. There is a new one starting or started I think I'll try and find out and message you. Hope you find a good deal.
  20. Hi there, have a look at a place called Etangac I think thats how you spell it if its not I'll send it to you again. Its recently been drained so not sure what went back or whether they re stocked it but if you ask around I expect someone will know.
  21. Hi Fella, if its a private lake the chances are that you dont need one. If he has said you dont one then I'm sure he if he owns it he wouldnt be putting himself in that situation.
  22. Well done, hope you have a great weeks fishing I'm sure you'll be well looked after, and come back with some great memories and some decent photos of some nice lumps too. Have a good un
  23. Hi there, have a look at our website Over the past few weeks we have had a load of 40lb fish out along with even more thirties, if we can help you anymore then please dont hesitate to contact us.
  24. Hi Dave if you are looking to go that far down have a look at Iktus that really is in the South of France you can get the fishing done and still be in Barcelona the same night.
  25. Sorry Stumpy read it so quick I missed Paul Baudan's name is he the only fish farmer involved or was there others.
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